Thread: AGU session: Communicating science during a natural hazard crisis

Started: 2017-07-21 01:54:19
Last activity: 2017-07-21 01:54:19
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to a special session on
communicating science during a natural hazard crisis.

** Please note that a submission to this session will NOT preclude an
additional submission to another session elsewhere in the program. **

This session focuses on communication of science information in the
challenging environment of an unfolding hazard crisis. We encourage
submissions from scientists, communications experts, media
professionals, and those on the receiving end who are required to make
rapid decisions at such times.

PA008: Communicating Science During a Natural Hazard Crisis

Description: A natural hazard crisis requires the communication of
scientific information rapidly, clearly, usefully, and to diverse
audiences. How can scientists, who typically work and communicate at a
more deliberate pace, convey information when time is short and lives
are on the line? What can be done for communities or a country
anxiously seeking more information, forecasts, and, perhaps, a bit of
comfort? This session explores what happens when scientists and
communicators must convey their limited knowledge on emerging
phenomena to the public, policy makers, and an array of stakeholders.
Session themes include: (1) Scientists as media and public
spokespeople; (2) Communication strategies for joint responses by
scientists and communication practitioners; (3) The psychological
function of scientific information in times of crises; (4) Communication
research that focuses on these problems. Our focus is on geological
hazards, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami and landslides,
but papers on meteorological hazards are also welcome.

Michael Blanpied (USGS)
Sara McBride (USGS)
Lucile Jones (Caltech)
Kelvin Berryman (GNS Science)

Confirmed invited speakers include Drs. Tim and Deanna Selnow (Univ.
of Central Florida).

Session/submission link (deadline of August 2):

Feel free to contact any of the conveners if you have questions about
this session, and to pass this along to those who might be interested.

Dr. Michael L. Blanpied
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

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