Does anyone know the bibliographic reference of the cross correlation
method used by the SAC in the correlate command?
Guilherme de Melo
Guilherme Weber Sampaio de Melo
Master's seismology research - UFRN/BR
Does anyone know the bibliographic reference of the cross correlation
method used by the SAC in the correlate command?
Guilherme de Melo
Guilherme Weber Sampaio de Melo
Master's seismology research - UFRN/BR
The best book is The Seismic Analysis Code: A Primer and User's Guide
By George Helffrich, James Wookey, Ian Bastow. There are good examples
Prof. George Sand L. A. de França
Observatório Sismológico
Instituto de Geociências
Universidade de Brasília
+55 61 31071298
www.obsis.unb.br [1]
www.intrasis.unb.br/sand [2]
Em 2017-10-22 23:21, GUILHERME De MELO escreveu:
Does anyone know the bibliographic reference of the cross correlation method used by the SAC in the correlate command?
Guilherme de Melo
Guilherme Weber Sampaio de Melo
Master's seismology research - UFRN/BR
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[1] http://www.obsis.unb.br
[2] http://www.intrasis.unb.br/sand
The correlate function in sac does the computation in the frequency domain; it is a standard methodology. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation
The only complication is the use of multiple time windows with possible overlap to perform the computation.
If you require a reference for citing, use the references from the README; see below. I would prefer to update these references as they are rather dated.
If you require description of the correlation details, I would suggest looking at the source code in
- src/dbh/crscor.c (Actual correlation function)
- src/sam/xcorrelate.c (SAC function driver / option processing)
Of course, you can ask me questions about any particular details of the processing.
Goldstein, P., A. Snoke, (2005), "Sac Availability for the IRIS Community",
Incorporated Institutions For Seismology Data Management Center Electronic
Goldstein, P., D. Dodge, M. Firpo, Lee Minner (2003), "SAC2000: Signal
processing and analysis tools for seismologists and engineers", Invited
contribution to "The IASPEI International Handbook of Earthquake and
Engineering Seismology", Edited by WHK Lee, H. Kanamori, P.C. Jennings, and
C. Kisslinger, Academic Press, London.
On Oct 22, 2017, at 9:21 PM, GUILHERME De MELO <gwsmelo<at>ufrn.edu.br> wrote:
Does anyone know the bibliographic reference of the cross correlation method used by the SAC in the correlate command?
Guilherme de Melo
Guilherme Weber Sampaio de Melo
Master's seismology research - UFRN/BR
SAC Help
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