Thread: Node Owners Meeting at AGU - Dec 13 - 5-7pm

Started: 2017-11-06 20:43:16
Last activity: 2017-11-06 20:43:16
Topics: AGU Meetings
Justin Sweet
2017-11-06 20:43:16
IRIS is pleased to announce a Node Owners Group (NOG) meeting to be held at this year’s AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans.

The NOG meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13th from 5-7pm in the Hudson Room of the Hampton Inn & Suites / New Orleans Conference Center.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for community members who own nodes to discuss topics related to node use in seismological applications.

Planned topics of discussion include:
1. Procedures for sharing node best practices
2. Policies on node data sharing from multi-organization node experiments
3. Large dataset / Temporary deployment data policy
4. New website for sharing contact info regarding node-sharing (see below)
5. What we’d like to see in node development
6. New and innovative use of nodes
7. IRIS plans for its node pool
8. Future opportunities for exchange on node use/ownership

We also hope to have participation from node vendors at this meeting to facilitate an exchange between both users and manufacturers.

Those interested in attending are asked to reply to this message so that we may get an approximate headcount for catering and room setup. Responses before Thanksgiving would be greatly appreciated.

In preparation for the meeting, IRIS has created a webpage of Resources for Node Owners/Users that we hope will serve as a resource for the entire community by providing information on nodal instrumentation and datasets, as well as a listing of community members who own nodes. You can visit a beta version of the webpage at

Thanks, and we hope to see you there!

Kent Anderson, IRIS Portable Program Manager
Justin Sweet, IRIS Portable Project Associate

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