2018-01-03 17:24:15
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to submit an abstract to the SSA 2018 Annual Meeting in the following technical session. The abstract deadline is 24 January 2018.
Adaptation of New Technologies and Methods to Drive New Discoveries in Seismology and Geodesy
In recent years, advancements in seismology and geodesy have been made possible by innovative adaptation of new methods and technology from other fields. Improved earthquake detection and ground motion characterization have been achieved by using consumer MEMS accelerometers, consumer GPS chips, wireless nodal systems and other new sensor technology that enable dense sensor networks. Deep learning, fingerprinting and linkage methods originally developed for Internet search engines and image recognition can substantially improve our ability to detect and categorize seismic events, including earthquakes and low frequency earthquakes. In this session, we encourage submissions on any approach that expands the horizons of seismology and geodesy beyond traditional instruments and methods.
Session Conveners: Sarah E. Minson (USGS), Elizabeth S. Cochran (USGS)
Elizabeth Cochran, PhD
Research Geophysicist
Earthquake Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
525 S. Wilson Ave
Pasadena, CA 91106