Thread: AGU 2018 Session: T001. 3D Fault Architecture and Geometrical Segmentation from Fault Observations to Seismic Hazard Assessment

Started: 2018-07-11 17:43:56
Last activity: 2018-07-11 17:43:56
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We encourage you to submit to our AGU session:

*T001. 3D Fault Architecture and Geometrical Segmentation from Fault
Observations to Seismic Hazard Assessment*
Description below.

*Invited Speakers:*
Kelvin Berryman, GNS Science
Morgan Page, USGS

Valerie Sahakian, University of Oregon
Ruth Harris, USGS Earthquake Science Center
Isabelle Manighetti, GeoAzur
Neal Driscoll, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Valerie, Isabelle, Ruth, and Neal

*Session ID:* 47198
*Session Description:*
Faults are complex 3D systems, including principal and secondary branches
and steps, varying material properties, local and regional stress
heterogeneities, and fluid effects. How these properties control the
behavior of earthquake rupture and propagation (or arrest) is the question
of ongoing research, and holds important implications for seismic hazard
assessment. In this session, we are interested in the relationships between
complex fault architecture, geometric configurations, and local fault
properties, and earthquake source characterization and seismic hazard. We
welcome recent mapping studies of complex fault systems, empirical studies
analyzing the behavior of historical earthquakes in such complex fault
zones, and numerical and laboratory models of rupture propagation cascading
across or being arrested by stepovers, bends, fault branches and other
geometrical fault complexities. Finally, we encourage studies showing the
seismic hazard implications of these results, as well as methods of
estimating or representing multi-fault ruptures in seismic hazard models.

Valerie Sahakian
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Oregon

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