Thread: 2y Post-doc - Noise on Icelandic Volcanoes

Started: 2019-01-09 00:07:02
Last activity: 2019-01-09 00:07:02
Thomas Lecocq
2019-01-09 00:07:02
Hi all,

Apply for this exciting 2 year postdoc on the IS-NOISE project
"Investigation of seismic velocity changes in Icelandic crust, using
ambient noise" by Vedurstofan (Iceland) and the Royal Observatory of


2 yr Postdoc in Seismology

A two-year postdoc position is available for application in the RANNIS
(Icelandic Research Council) project IS-NOISE; Investigation of seismic
velocity changes in Icelandic crust, using ambient noise. It is a
three-year project that started early this year. The project is managed
by the Icelandic Meteorological Office in Reykjavík and the Royal
Observatory of Belgium and includes partners from Uppsala University,
the Earth Science Institute of Iceland and others. The project aims at
using correlation analysis of ambient noise to evaluate temporal changes
of seismic velocities which may reflect changes in the crust. By
analyzing small temporal changes in the coda of the cross-correlation
functions, one can extract tiny seismic velocity changes in the medium,
down to 0.01%. The project aims at studying temporal and spatial seismic
velocity changes at 6 different volcanoes, 1 fault zone and 1 geothermal
area. The 6 volcanoes are: Bárðarbunga, Grimsvötn, Katla, Hekla,
Eyjafjallajökull and Öræfajökull. The researcher will be responsible for
studying the volcanoes including: 1. Characterizing the ambient noise
(frequency content, coherence) for long time series (several years of
data) in each volcanic area 2. Cross-correlation and seismic velocity
measurements using state-of-the-art computer codes (e.g., MSNoise) 3.
Analyzing the dv/v results to isolate volcano-related signals e.g. from
seasonal effects (environmental & seasonal effects from rainfall, snow,
temperature) and compare them with deformation (GNSS and InSAR) and
seismic data The aim of this project is also to generalize the
processing methods to apply them to any target in Iceland and evaluate
its potential as a daily volcano monitoring tool in Iceland. The
projects ‘website can be found here: This 2-year
full time position is open as from 1 March 2019, at the Met Office in
Reykjavik, Iceland. Long stays at the Royal Observatory of Belgium are
also possible (1 to 4 months per year). The postdoc will work under the
supervision of Kristín Jónsdóttir, Thomas Lecocq and Corentin Caudron.

The values of the Icelandic Meteorological Office are: Knowledge,
Reliability, Forward seeking and Cooperation. The values are used as a
frame of reference in the hiring process.

Deadline for the application is 27 January 2018. The new Postdoc is
expected to start no later than March 2019. Applicants should attach a
detailed CV were education and past work experience is outlined,
especially past research experience as well as a PhD certificate and a
list of publications and include at least one recommendation letter.
Please send the above information in an email with the subject „IS-NOISE
Post-doc application“ to kristinj<at> More information can be
obtained from Kristín Jónsdóttir, kristinj<at>,Borgar Ævar
Axelsson, borgar<at> and Thomas Lecocq, thomas.lecocq<at>

PDF version of this email:


Best regards,


Dr. Thomas Lecocq
Geologist - Seismologist

Seismology - Gravimetry
Royal Observatory of Belgium

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