Thread: rdseed error in extracting sac files.

Started: 2019-04-02 18:02:39
Last activity: 2019-04-02 18:10:05
riddhi dave
2019-04-02 18:02:39
My name is Riddhi Dave.

I am having some issues with rdseed in extracting data. I am getting these
messages in the error log when I'm trying to extract the sac data from seed
files. And I'm getting them for all seed files, even the ones which I know
contains relevant sac files:

"station/channel Station-name/BH* not found in station/channel tables for
network TA, location code: "

It generates this message for every station from my input file and does not
extract any sac data.
Can you help me with this? Or direct me to someone who can help me?



*Dr. Riddhi DavePostdoctoral ScholarDépartement des sciences de la Terre et
de l'atmosphèreUniversité du Québec à Montréal201 ave. du
Président-KennedyMontréal QC H2X 3Y7*

  • Nick Falco
    2019-04-02 18:10:05
    Hi Riddhi,

    Can you please provide an example of how you are running rdseed?

    There is also a mseed2sac program that you may wish too try. Additionally, if the data you are processing is located at the IRIS DMC you can submit a request to the dataselect service and get SAC from the DMC directly.


    Nick Falco
    Web & Apps Developer
    IRIS Data Management Center

    On Apr 2, 2019, at 10:34 AM, riddhi dave <riddhidave6<at>> wrote:

    My name is Riddhi Dave.

    I am having some issues with rdseed in extracting data. I am getting these messages in the error log when I'm trying to extract the sac data from seed files. And I'm getting them for all seed files, even the ones which I know contains relevant sac files:

    "station/channel Station-name/BH* not found in station/channel tables for network TA, location code: "

    It generates this message for every station from my input file and does not extract any sac data.
    Can you help me with this? Or direct me to someone who can help me?



    Dr. Riddhi Dave
    Postdoctoral Scholar
    Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère
    Université du Québec à Montréal
    201 ave. du Président-Kennedy
    Montréal QC H2X 3Y7

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