Thread: RSVP DEADLINE is TOMORROW! EarthScope's Finale Symposium and Reception

Started: 2019-05-09 09:30:02
Last activity: 2019-05-09 09:30:02
Topics: Other Meetings


This is a reminder for you to RSVP if you haven't already! Please fill out our RSVP form by the end of the day TOMORROW with your name and number of guests. Please specify attendance at the symposium, reception or both.


Celebrating EarthScope’s Fifteen Years of Geoscience Accomplishments

The EarthScope National Office, along with a coalition of Earth science organizations and facilities (UNAVCO, IRIS, SSA, AGU, AGI and GSA), cordially invites scientists, policymakers, and all others interested to celebrate the success of the EarthScope program! Please join us for:

EarthScope Finale Symposium and Reception
May 22, 2019 | Washington, DC
Science Symposium: 1:30–5:30 PM
Reception: 5:30–8:00 PM

Invited Speakers will give an overview of the scientific discoveries that EarthScope has enabled, and of its broader impacts to science and society.

· An Introduction to EarthScope: Fifteen Years of Geoscience Discovery by Dr. David Fee, EarthScope National Office Primary Investigator (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
· Opening remarks by Dr. Bill Easterling, Assistant Director of GEO (National Science Foundation)
· EarthScope's USArray: A new window into solid Earth processes beneath North America by Dr. Brandon Schmandt (University of New Mexico)
· Earthquake Hazards and EarthScope by Dr. Diego Melgar (University of Oregon)
· Innovating with EarthScope to Study the Water Cycle by Dr. Kristine Larson (University of Colorado)
· How EarthScope and its Data Inspired a Generation of Geophysicists by Dr. Suzan van der Lee (Northwestern University)
· The Second Tectonics Revolution: a New 4D Perspective on the History of the North American Continent by Dr. Mike Williams (University of Massachusetts)
· EarthScope Legacy by Dr. Jeff Freymueller, EarthScope National Office Director (Michigan State University)

AAAS Building
1200 New York Ave NW 1, 2nd Floor Auditorium
Washington, DC 20005

Participants will be staying at the Hamilton Hotel (1001 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005) at $359/night + tax. Because the period to request a room in the room block has passed, we advise attendees to book a reservation at the best available rates.

Event sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute

EarthScope National Office
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
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