Thread: Re: I can't install SAC-101.3b on cygwin in windows 7

Started: 2010-06-01 22:27:37
Last activity: 2010-06-03 12:59:23
Topics: SAC Help
Andreas Wuestefeld
2010-06-01 22:27:37
Dear Isaac, Aldo

I have lately had to install CYGWIN & SAC on several WIN7 computers, and
I cannot reproduce the error. I assume you have a Win7 system with admin
previliges, and use the latest release of CYGWIN (ver1.7.x)?

Win7 has a rather strict permission policy, which sometimes results in
files opened/upacked under windows are not accesible in cygwin. a
"chmod" ususally helps

I suggest that you unpack and untar the sac-101.3b-cygwin.tar.gz under
cygwin and not Windows

check manually if the install-sh exists in sac-101.3b/config

hope that helps

Dr. Andreas Wüstefeld, Dept. Earth Sciences, Univ. Bristol (UK)

  • Andy tells me that one does not need a separate Cygwin source tarball with
    the newest version of Cygwin.

    Question; Is there any reason NOT to upgrade to the newest Cygwin? If
    not, there is no need to have a separate Cygwin source tarball.


    On Tue, 1 Jun 2010, Andreas Wuestefeld wrote:

    Dear Isaac, Aldo

    I have lately had to install CYGWIN & SAC on several WIN7 computers, and I
    cannot reproduce the error. I assume you have a Win7 system with admin
    previliges, and use the latest release of CYGWIN (ver1.7.x)?

    Win7 has a rather strict permission policy, which sometimes results in files
    opened/upacked under windows are not accesible in cygwin. a "chmod" ususally

    I suggest that you unpack and untar the sac-101.3b-cygwin.tar.gz under cygwin
    and not Windows

    check manually if the install-sh exists in sac-101.3b/config

    hope that helps

    Dr. Andreas Wüstefeld, Dept. Earth Sciences, Univ. Bristol (UK)
    sac-help mailing list

  • Isaac Mulamba
    2010-06-03 12:59:23
    (no body)
02:45:21 v.b3198453