Thread: Fwd: Special Issue in Solid Earth on “Fibre Optic sensing in Earth sciences” opened

Started: 2020-04-22 16:26:24
Last activity: 2020-04-22 16:26:24
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Dear colleague,

we opened a special issue of Solid Earth on “Fibre Optic sensing in
Earth sciences”

All papers will be published open-access, and if you or your colleagues
considered submitting a manuscript before end December 2020, we'd be
grateful to receive it.  You can read below the full description of the
scope of the Special Issue and how to submit.

Looking forward reading from you and wishing allthe best !, Philippe
Jousset, Gilda Currenti, Zack Spica and Lotte Krawczyk.

*Call for papers for Solid Earth*

*Special Issue: Fibre-optic**sensing in Earth sciences*

Philippe Jousset, GFZ Potsdam, Germany
Gilda Currenti, INGV- Osservatorio Etneo, Italy
Zack Spica, University of Michigan, USA
Charlotte Krawczyk, Technical University of Berlin and GFZ Potsdam, Germany

Deadline: 31 December 2020

*Purpose of the special issue*

Recent advances in acquisition design and fibre composition have led to
an increasing number of fibre-optic sensing applicationsfor both
distributed and point sensor systems. In Earth Sciences, these
fibre-optic technologies are used to sample strain, temperature or
chemicalsin a great variety of environments such as boreholes, deep
seas, at the surface and also in densely populated areas. In recent
years, we have observed an explosion of pilot experiments leading to new
applications and technological breakthroughs in many fields of Earth

We are aiming at gathering and highlighting different techniques,
methods and applications these fibre-optic technologies offer to Earth
Sciences, and to provide a broad perspective on recent and further
developments (technical, numerical and methodological) in these new
research fields. Contributions from all areas of applied
geosciences(e.g. geochemistry, geophysics, geodesy, natural hazards,
oceanography, soil science, geo-energy, civil and environmental
engineering, volcanology, hydrology, glaciology and many others) using
fibre-optical cable sensingare welcome. We encourage to include
qualitative and quantitative case studies, embracing laboratory studies,
large-scale field tests and modelling.


1. You will find Guidelines and information on How to apply and how to
submit your manuscript at



2. Specific advantages of publishing in a special issue with Solid Earth
are the following:


All papers are published open-access.


Every individual paper in the special issue is published as soon as
it is available. That means that the publication date is not delayed
by late papers.


Efficient interactive discussion of the common theme takes place on
the SED forum.


Posting of papers under discussion with a doi in SED (which is the
preprint server) allows efficient cross-referencing between the
final revised papers in SE.


All contributions are efficiently linked and coherently presented on
dedicated special issue web pages, easily accessible from the SE
online library.


Guest editors will define the order of the published papers on the
special issue web page.


Print versions are available upon completed publication of all
contributions. A minimum order of 20 copies is necessary, and the
price will depend on the total number of pages in the special issue.

Prof. Dr. CharLotte Krawczyk
Head of Section 'Near-surface Geophysics'
Director Department 'Geophysics'
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Albert-Einstein-Str. 42-46
D-14473 Potsdam
fon:    +49 331 288-1281
e-mail: lotte<at>

Antje Timmermann
fon: +49 331 288-1251
e-mail: atim<at>

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