2020-05-13 12:52:26
Dear Early Career Investigators,
We have taken the input from Early Career Investigators (ECIs) who
participated in the “Early Career Investigator Virtual Workshop on a
Community Vision for the Future Geophysical Facility” held April 23-24,
2020 and respondents to a follow-up survey for ECIs and prepared three
white papers that focus on instrumentation
data services
and education, workforce, and outreach
We are now asking for feedback from ECIs on these documents by Tuesday, May
19. The white papers will be submitted to the NSF on June 1st, 2020 in
response to the NSF Dear Colleague Letter
(DCL) on the “Competition of Operations of an NSF-supported Geophysical
Facility to Succeed the GAGE and SAGE Facilities”.
We thank our co-authors for their efforts to draft these documents and for
the individuals who have provided feedback so far.
Heather A. Ford and D. Sarah Stamps
Heather A. Ford, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of California, Riverside
We have taken the input from Early Career Investigators (ECIs) who
participated in the “Early Career Investigator Virtual Workshop on a
Community Vision for the Future Geophysical Facility” held April 23-24,
2020 and respondents to a follow-up survey for ECIs and prepared three
white papers that focus on instrumentation
data services
and education, workforce, and outreach
We are now asking for feedback from ECIs on these documents by Tuesday, May
19. The white papers will be submitted to the NSF on June 1st, 2020 in
response to the NSF Dear Colleague Letter
(DCL) on the “Competition of Operations of an NSF-supported Geophysical
Facility to Succeed the GAGE and SAGE Facilities”.
We thank our co-authors for their efforts to draft these documents and for
the individuals who have provided feedback so far.
Heather A. Ford and D. Sarah Stamps
Heather A. Ford, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of California, Riverside