2020-05-22 21:43:43
Last activity:
2020-05-22 21:43:43
Distributed Acoustic Sensing

2020-05-22 21:43:43
From: YingPing.Li<at> <YingPing.Li<at>>
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 2:37 PM
To: Herb Wang <hfwang<at>>
Cc: YingPing.Li<at>
Subject: FW: SEG20 DAS Postconvention Workshop, Thu Oct 15 Houston, TX - Call for Contributions
Importance: High
Dear Prof Herb Wang,
Forwarded please find a call for contributions for 2020 SEG Post-convention DAS workshop.
Would you please forward this through the NSF_DAS_RCN?
Best Regards,
From: Zhan, Ge <Ge.Zhan<at><Ge.Zhan<at>>>
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 11:40 AM
Cc: Li, Yingping SEPCO-PTD/E/W <YingPing.Li<at><YingPing.Li<at>>>; michel.verliac<at><michel.verliac<at>>; m.farhadiroushan<at><m.farhadiroushan<at>>; ja62<at><ja62<at>>; gjin<at><gjin<at>>; Eileen Martin <eileenrmartin<at><eileenrmartin<at>>>; jcalvez2<at><jcalvez2<at>>
Subject: SEG20 DAS Postconvention Workshop, Thu Oct 15 Houston, TX - Call for Contributions
Think Secure. This email is from an external source.
Dear Friends,
We are organizing the "W-5: DAS: Advances in fiber optic sensing over the last decade " Postconvention Workshop on Thursday, 15 October 2020 for this year's SEG Annual Meeting in Houston, TX. We invite you, or someone else from your organization to consider presenting your DAS work at this workshop.
As advertised on the SEG website (, we encourage submissions including but not limited to the following aspects of DAS.
* Frontiers in DAS acquisition and instrumentation
* Data management, analysis, and pattern discovery for massive DAS data
* Advanced processing and inversion approaches for reservoir imaging and monitoring applications
* DAS applied to hydraulic fracture monitoring, flow monitoring and microseismic
* "Smart cities": DAS approach toward optimizing near-surface and infrastructure development
* DAS open data and computational reproducibility: building the foundation for future research
We look forward to hearing back from you soon. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. For the purpose of planning, we encourage authors to inform us about their intent of contributing a talk (yes/no/maybe), titles, and/or informative abstracts (100-200 words, optional) by 1 June, 2020.
Thank you for considering this opportunity,
Ge Zhan, BP; Yingping Li, Shell; Michel Verliac, Total; Mahmoud Farhadiroushan, Silixa; Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Rice University; Ge Jin, Colorado School of Mines; Eileen Martin, Virginia Tech; Joel Le Calvez, Schlumberger