Thread: Postdoctoral scholars in geophysics (2)

Started: 2020-06-13 19:46:48
Last activity: 2020-06-13 19:46:48
Jim Gaherty
2020-06-13 19:46:48
Institution: Northern Arizona University
Open Until: 2020-09-01

We are seeking two postdoctoral scholars to join the geophysics group in the School of Earth and Sustainability at Northern Arizona University. Geophysics faculty, staff, and graduate students collect, analyze and interpret novel geophysical datasets on land and at sea around the world to address fundamental problems in Earth Science.  The School of Earth and Sustainability includes a dynamic and diverse faculty that work across a spectrum of earth and environmental sciences.  One of the postdocs will primarily focus on a new active-source seismic study of the Aleutian Island arc, including data acquisition, analysis and interpretation; there will also be opportunities to engage in other ongoing projects focused on subduction zones and rift systems. The second postdoc will be engaged in development and application of innovative seismic imaging techniques utilizing new broadband datasets to probe crust and mantle dynamics; current projects focus on western North America, the central Pacific, and processes controlling subduction-zone dynamics.  The ideal candidates will have PhDs in geophysics or a related field, experience in relevant seismic data analyses, and a strong record of peer-reviewed publication. Both postdocs will be a part of an active group of faculty and students in geophysics and will also be involved in mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants from underrepresented groups in earth sciences are particularly encouraged to apply. Please contact Donna Shillington (Donna.Shillington<at> or James Gaherty (James.Gaherty<at> for more information.
For details and to apply, please visit:
Position 1:

Position 2:

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