Thread: Draft metadata standards for MT data – Request for Comment

Started: 2020-06-15 15:51:00
Last activity: 2020-06-15 15:51:00
Under the SAGE
award by the National Science Foundation, the Incorporated Research
Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) is establishing comprehensive support
at the PASSCAL Instrument Center for
Principal Investigators conducting field experiments using
magnetotelluric (MT) methods. As part of this process, IRIS has been
working with members of the MT science community to develop modern,
detailed, flexible standards for MT metadata. These standards will be
used in the archiving of datasets collected using PASSCAL MT facility
equipment as well as with MTH5, an exchangeable format that is under

The initial draft of the metadata standards is posted for review:

Specific feedback received by June 29 will be factored into the next
version. Suggestions or general comments can be made through GitHub and/or sent directly to
Jared Peacock <jpeacock<at>>. Any general questions about the IRIS
MT program may be sent to Andy Frassetto.


Andy, on behalf of the MT Data Handling and Software Working Group

Andy Frassetto, PhD, Seismologist
MT Program Manager
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology

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