Jessica Irving
2020-07-10 10:03:08
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to consider submitting an abstract to our Planetary Interiors session — Interiors of Planets and Moons: Learning from Spacecraft Observations, Simulations and In-Situ Data (DI012) — at the AGU Fall Meeting. Many (or maybe all) participants will be virtual for this conference, so you will not need to travel to attend and present. Abstracts must be submitted by Wednesday July 29th. Go here to submit yours:
Session Description:
Spacecraft or surface observations have been returned from multiple solar system bodies, including the Moon (Apollo), Mars (InSight), and dwarf planets (Dawn). Observations provide key information on their internal composition and structure, and inform planetary formation and evolution models. Currently, space agencies around the world are planning ambitious missions to further explore the interiors of the Moon, Mercury, Venus and the “Ocean Worlds” of the Solar System (e.g., Europa, Enceladus and Titan). Seismological and thermal data, and magnetic and geodetic measurements all help to constrain the thickness and structure of a planet’s (ice or rock) crust and mantle, the size and state of their cores, the planet’s thermal state, its tectonics, and rate of meteoroid impacts. We invite contributions that use observations from surface geophysical data, orbital observations or returned sample analyses, and that seek to develop internal structural models to understand these planets’ early history.
Invited presenters:
Brigitte Knapmeyer-Endrun (University of Cologne)
Steve Elardo (University of Florida)
Renee Weber (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)
Ceri Nunn (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Jessica Irving (University of Bristol)
Jessica Irving
Senior Lecturer
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Pronouns: she/her