Thread: Post-doc position in rock mechanics at La Sapienza, Rome

Started: 2020-11-03 17:01:42
Last activity: 2020-11-03 17:01:42
*Postdoctoral Fellowship*

*Laboratory Studies of Earthquake Physics and Rock Deformation*

*La Sapienza Università di Roma*


We seek a postdoctoral researcher with interests in laboratory based
research on earthquake physics, rock deformation or related areas. The
successful applicant will have experience with laboratory rock
deformation testing, ultrasonic experimentation, and one or more of the
following: servo-hydraulic testing machines, high pressure research,
acoustics data acquisition and processing, analog electronics, machine
learning, nonlinear acoustics, friction, and fracture. Our goal is to
hire a colleague who will join and co-lead research activities focused
on illuminating the processes that dictate fracture, frictional
properties of fractured and faulted rock masses and/or machine learning
techniques to identify precursors to, and predict, laboratory
earthquakes. We are developing a new lab with unique equipment that
includes biaxial and true triaxial testing (high pressure and high
temperature) as well as conventional triaxial loading of cylindrical
samples. Our interests span friction constitutive laws, laboratory
earthquake prediction and machine learning methods to identify failure
and image fluid flow in rough, evolving fractures. We encourage
applications from researchers with backgrounds in rock deformation,
acoustics, and geophysics. Experience in experimental design and
execution is required.

Two years of funding are available.

A Ph.D. in a relevant field is required by the date of hire.
Applications will be accepted until 15 Jan. 2021 and the potential
beginning of the position is set to be April 2021.

Questions should be directed to Marco Scuderi marco.scuderi<at>
or Chris Marone: chris.marone<at>

A brief description of the ERC funded project can be found here:
(TECTONIC: The physics of Earthquake faulting: learning from laboratory
earthquake prediCTiON to Improve forecasts of the spectrum of tectoniC
failure mode):


Marco M. Scuderi, Ph.D.
Marie-Curie Fellow
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Università di Roma La Sapienza
P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy
Personal Page:
email: marco.scuderi<at>

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18:35:45 v.22510d55