Thread: nline: Special Training for SeisComP - Network Performance, 12 - 21 April, 2021

Started: 2020-12-22 07:35:50
Last activity: 2021-02-02 10:06:07
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear seismology community and everyone interested,

or the first time we are conducting our very newly designed Special Training for SeisComP at our offices in Potsdam, Germany, in April 2021. The training will have a very strong focus on evaluating and optimizing the performance of seismic monitoring networks for local, regional and teleseismic earthquakes using dedicated gempa modules .

This Special Training is perfect for network administrators but also for experienced SeisComP users who wish to achieve and maintain highest performance of seismic monitoring networks based on SeisComP.

ONLINE Training - Adaptation to the Covid-19 situation:

As traveling may be restricted during the course period and your health is of highest priority to us, this training will be held as an online training with a virtual classroom. Following tutorials on a monitor for a long time is very demanding. We therefore reduce the daily amount of hours to 4 including short breaks.


* Introduction to tuning options of the standard SeisComP package with optional release upgrade
* Pipeline processing for separating monitoring targets
* Offline and real-time playbacks
* Data quality control:
- scqc / scqcv for computing and visualizing waveform QC parameters
* scqceval for automatic re-configuration of seismic networks based on evaluating waveform quality control (QC) parameters in real time:
- real-time evaluation of waveform QC parameter
- real-time and automatic reconfiguration of seismic network based on QC parameters
* npeval for evaluating network performance parameters in real-time and for planning network designs:
- real-time network performance analysis and reporting
- network design planning
- application for specific pipelines
- dynamic map updates and map configurations
* sceval for automatic re-configuration of seismic networks based on evaluating waveform quality control (QC) parameters in real time:
- real-time evaluation of event solutions
- application for specific pipelines
- evaluation in playbacks
- automatic tuning based on machine learning methods
* Participants may bring their own datasets and use it for tuning.

During the training we will spend much time individually with you for tuning. Ideally you will leave the training with a SeisComP system that is well-tuned for your applications. Please contact us for your specific suggestions.

Included in the course fee are licenses for gempa modules for SeisComP:

* npeval
* scqceval
* sceval

valid for 3 years.

Find all topics and more details online:

Dates and times

12 - 21 April, 2021, 08:30 - 12:30 CEST

The times will later be adjusted allowing participation from different time zones.


The course is now open for registration. Find all details online: or contact us by email: training<at>

More Basic SeisComP courses will be announced for 2021: .
See you soon online all around the world!

Dirk Roessler

E-Mail: training<at>
  • Hi community,

    there is still a chance to register and to reserve spots for this newly designed special SeisComP training. As we hope to switch back to face-to-face training later this year, this online training may be a unique opportunity for those who wish to avoid traveling.

    Visit our website for this and other events ( and contact us for more details (training[at]

    See you soon,
09:52:28 v.af9cd46b