Dear Colleagues, please would you mind spreading the advertisement below to potential candidates? Apologies for cross-posting!
The Group of Crustal Deformation and Fluid Flow at the University of Geneva ( is seeking a postdoctoral researcher in seismology for a period of two years, starting in July 2021. The candidate, supported by industry and department funds, will work on ambient-noise seismic methods for the exploration and understanding of geothermal and volcanic systems. He/she will be involved in the acquisition and processing of seismic data from dense nodal networks for subsurface imaging. The project will require occasional fieldwork and participation in the activities of the team. In particular, the candidate will develop ambient-noise tomographies with surface waves and participate to methodological developments regarding the extraction of body-waves from noise. A good understanding of geological systems to gather site-specific geological/geophysical prior information is an advantage. The researcher will have the opportunity to teach in the framework of the MSc and BSc programs of the Department of Earth Sciences (
and will be encouraged to attend national and international conferences and publish in high-impact journals. This project will benefit of a close collaboration with Geo2x, a geophysical service company based in Switzerland ( The selection of the candidate will start on the 1st of April 2021 and will continue until a suitable profile is found.
The required skills for this position are:
- PhD in seismology/geophysics.
- Expertise in seismic data processing and tomography. - Advanced programming skills.
- Fluency in English.
The following skills are desired:
- Experience in the geothermal sector or in the study of volcanic systems. - Experience in field-work
- Fluency in German and/or French
Applications should include:
• cover letter explaining the reasons for applying and a research statement describing the main research interests and vision (max. 3 pages).
• Full Curriculum Vitae, including previous employment and university training, the date and title of the doctoral thesis (including proof of awarded title), publications, conference presentations/invited lectures, classes taught, and any student research supervised if applicable. • PDFs of the most significant publications (max 3).
• Names and contact information of up to five referees.
Additional info:
Geneva is an international city, surrounded by a spectacular natural setting, located at the core of Europe. The University of Geneva is an equal opportunity educator and employer committed to excellence through diversity. For more information, please contact Matteo Lupi (matteo.lupi<at><matteo.lupi<at>>) and Thomas Planes (thomas.planes<at><thomas.planes<at>>).
Matteo Lupi
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Geneva
Rue des Maraichers 13
CH-1205, Geneva
Tel: +41 (0) 22 379 66 13
email: matteo.lupi<at>
The Group of Crustal Deformation and Fluid Flow at the University of Geneva ( is seeking a postdoctoral researcher in seismology for a period of two years, starting in July 2021. The candidate, supported by industry and department funds, will work on ambient-noise seismic methods for the exploration and understanding of geothermal and volcanic systems. He/she will be involved in the acquisition and processing of seismic data from dense nodal networks for subsurface imaging. The project will require occasional fieldwork and participation in the activities of the team. In particular, the candidate will develop ambient-noise tomographies with surface waves and participate to methodological developments regarding the extraction of body-waves from noise. A good understanding of geological systems to gather site-specific geological/geophysical prior information is an advantage. The researcher will have the opportunity to teach in the framework of the MSc and BSc programs of the Department of Earth Sciences (
and will be encouraged to attend national and international conferences and publish in high-impact journals. This project will benefit of a close collaboration with Geo2x, a geophysical service company based in Switzerland ( The selection of the candidate will start on the 1st of April 2021 and will continue until a suitable profile is found.
The required skills for this position are:
- PhD in seismology/geophysics.
- Expertise in seismic data processing and tomography. - Advanced programming skills.
- Fluency in English.
The following skills are desired:
- Experience in the geothermal sector or in the study of volcanic systems. - Experience in field-work
- Fluency in German and/or French
Applications should include:
• cover letter explaining the reasons for applying and a research statement describing the main research interests and vision (max. 3 pages).
• Full Curriculum Vitae, including previous employment and university training, the date and title of the doctoral thesis (including proof of awarded title), publications, conference presentations/invited lectures, classes taught, and any student research supervised if applicable. • PDFs of the most significant publications (max 3).
• Names and contact information of up to five referees.
Additional info:
Geneva is an international city, surrounded by a spectacular natural setting, located at the core of Europe. The University of Geneva is an equal opportunity educator and employer committed to excellence through diversity. For more information, please contact Matteo Lupi (matteo.lupi<at><matteo.lupi<at>>) and Thomas Planes (thomas.planes<at><thomas.planes<at>>).
Matteo Lupi
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Geneva
Rue des Maraichers 13
CH-1205, Geneva
Tel: +41 (0) 22 379 66 13
email: matteo.lupi<at>