Thread: The Ins and Outs of Subduction Zones - AGU Session Promotion

Started: 2021-06-29 00:50:43
Last activity: 2021-06-29 16:25:54
Topics: AGU Meetings
Greetings colleagues,
We seek your participation in our AGU 2021 Fall Meeting interdisciplinary session focused on the inputs, outputs, and related processes in subduction zones. Please consider submitting your abstract to our session and joining us either in person or virtually at the AGU 2021 Fall Meeting in New Orleans.

T003. Connecting the Ins and Outs of Subduction Zones: Experiments, Models, and Observations as Constraints for Inputs, Processes, and Outputs

**Invited speakers**
Christine Chesley, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Cailey Condit, University of Washington

Session Description:
Subduction zones affect the physical and chemical evolution of Earth by recycling material back into the mantle and facilitating fluid and mass flux between the surface and interior. Some of the most devastating hazards on Earth, such as the transient release of accumulated stress and pressure during earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, are strongly influenced by the availability, quantity, and composition of these subduction inputs. Therefore, understanding how subduction zone dynamics affect our planet and society requires detailed studies of the mass cycle architecture, from the initial inputs, material processing and segregation, and the final outputs. Particularly important is connecting the geological and geochemical observations of exhumed terranes and arc outputs with geophysical imaging of active systems and geodynamic modeling across all spatial and time scales for a holistic understanding of mass cycling. This session welcomes geologic, geochemical, geodynamic, geophysical, experimental, and interdisciplinary contributions that place constraints on subduction zone processes.
    2021-06-29 16:25:54

    Dear AGU Seismology Colleagues,

    Do you have interesting, amazing, surprising, or enigmatic time-lapse seismology data results to share?
    From active or passive source seismology, earthquakes (natural or induced), or ambient seismic noise?
    Then we would like to see them presented in our AGU 2021 session "Time-Lapse Seismology" (S026).
    Please consider submitting an Abstract to session S026 at

    Also, if you think your results might be spectacular enough to be featured as an Invited Speaker,
    please contact us ASAP as co-convenors directly via email (cc'ed above, and listed at session link).

    Thank you!

    Time-Lapse Seismology session co-convenors:
    David Lumley, UT Dallas
    Martha Savage, Victoria University Wellington
    Hejun Zhu, UT Dallas
    Marine Denolle, University of Washington

    Dr David E Lumley | david.lumley<at>
    Professor | Department Head, Geosciences | Physics | Cecil and Ida Green Chair in Geophysics
    Director, 3D+4D Seismic Imaging & Inversion Lab | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
    University of Texas at Dallas |
    Life Member: www.AGU.org, www.SEG.org

    ps. check out my recent interview on innovation, and the future of geophysics (20min):

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