Thread: Environmental Seismology at AGU

Started: 2021-07-21 16:47:09
Last activity: 2021-07-21 16:47:09
Topics: AGU Meetings
Richard Aster
2021-07-21 16:47:09
Dear Colleagues,

We welcome you and your collaborators to kindly consider contributions to the following session:

Environmental Seismology: A Geophysical Tool to Study Surface and Near-Surface Processes

at the AGU Fall 2021 Meeting.

As you can see from the description below, we invite contributions in a wide range of near-surface and surface seismological observations, processes, and imaging.

Sharon Kedar and Maarten Bakker will present invited talks on Martian Atmospheric Signals and Seismic Bedload Transport Model Validation, respectively.

Abstracts are due by Wednesday August 4.

Session Abstract Link:

Best Regards,

Brad, Kate, Danica, and Rick

Session Title:
S007. Environmental Seismology: A Geophysical Tool to Study Surface and Near-Surface Processes
Session Description:
Recent work has highlighted the generation of elastic waves by processes at or near Earth’s surface, and seismic techniques are being utilized to examine increasingly diverse processes, hazards and materials. Seismic detection, monitoring and characterization methods provide continuous, real-time observations with high temporal resolution and broad spatial coverage of multiple sources and inaccessible environments. Areas of recent advancement include: mass movement (landslides, rockfalls, debris flows, lahars); hydrologic (groundwater, open water waves/tides, floods, turbulence, sediment transport), cryospheric (avalanches, icequakes, ice calving/fracture/deformation, glacial hydrology/sliding), atmospheric and oceanic phenomena (microseisms, extreme weather, gravity waves); use of large-N arrays; 4-d imaging of substrate, material and structural attributes; and analysis of anthropogenic seismic sources and wave propagation. This session connects scientists applying theoretical, field-based and experimental seismic methods to surface and near-surface dynamics across disciplines. We invite contributions from geomorphology, cryospheric sciences, seismology, near-surface geophysics, hazards, volcanology, soil sciences, rock mechanics, hydrology and related fields.
Primary Section/Focus Group:

Professor of Geophysics and Department Head
Geosciences Department
322E NR Building
Warner College of Natural Resources
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1482
(970) 491-7606 (Office)
(970) 491-7826 (Department Office)
(505) 459-4596 (Cell)
(970) 491-6307 (Fax)
Pronouns: he/him/his

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