2021-07-24 19:03:36
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans focused on better understanding the causes and consequences of lithospheric foundering. Abstract submission for either in-person or virtual presentation is open until August 4th, 2021.
T019 - Lithospheric Foundering: Detection and Effects on Deformation, Topography, and Structure
Session Description:
Removal of lithospheric material (lower crust and mantle) via foundering, including dripping as Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities and peeling back/delamination, is inferred to have affected many of Earth’s orogens and other continental regions. However, foundering events have been difficult to detect unambiguously in natural systems despite their potential to strongly modulate topography, lithospheric structure, and tectonic deformation. Our understanding of lithospheric foundering events will benefit from inter-disciplinary approaches that constrain the lithospheric structure and deformation of regions hypothesized to be affected by foundering and reconcile observations with geodynamical models of the process. In this session, we invite work drawing on tectonics, geophysics, geomorphology, and other disciplines to better understand the causes and consequences of lithospheric foundering and its detection in natural systems. We encourage submissions that are cross-disciplinary and make use of complementary datasets including numerical modeling results, field observations, and geophysical data.
Invited Presenters:
Huilin Wang
Alexander Robert Tye
Mitchell McMillan
Oguz Gogus
Kevin Michael Ward
We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans focused on better understanding the causes and consequences of lithospheric foundering. Abstract submission for either in-person or virtual presentation is open until August 4th, 2021.
T019 - Lithospheric Foundering: Detection and Effects on Deformation, Topography, and Structure
Session Description:
Removal of lithospheric material (lower crust and mantle) via foundering, including dripping as Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities and peeling back/delamination, is inferred to have affected many of Earth’s orogens and other continental regions. However, foundering events have been difficult to detect unambiguously in natural systems despite their potential to strongly modulate topography, lithospheric structure, and tectonic deformation. Our understanding of lithospheric foundering events will benefit from inter-disciplinary approaches that constrain the lithospheric structure and deformation of regions hypothesized to be affected by foundering and reconcile observations with geodynamical models of the process. In this session, we invite work drawing on tectonics, geophysics, geomorphology, and other disciplines to better understand the causes and consequences of lithospheric foundering and its detection in natural systems. We encourage submissions that are cross-disciplinary and make use of complementary datasets including numerical modeling results, field observations, and geophysical data.
Invited Presenters:
Huilin Wang
Alexander Robert Tye
Mitchell McMillan
Oguz Gogus
Kevin Michael Ward