Tianze Liu
2021-08-02 20:14:43
Dear Colleagues,
With the abstract deadline of AGU 2021 approaching, I would like to invite
everyone to submit their abstract to our session DI010: Interdisciplinary
studies of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system (
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/120755). In this
session, we focus on the study of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system and
welcome contributions on this topic using methodologies including but not
limited to seismic and electromagnetic imaging, geochemical modeling,
mineral physics, and thermal-mechanical modeling. Interdisciplinary studies
that integrate observations across disciplines are especially encouraged.
Since this year's AGU will be in a hybrid format, please feel free to
submit an abstract no matter you plan to travel to New Orleans or not!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Tianze Liu, UC San Diego, til008<at>ucsd.edu
Daniel Blatter, UC San Diego, dblatter<at>ucsd.edu
Joshua Russel, Brown University, joshua_russell<at>brown.edu
William Shinevar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, wshinevar<at>gmail.com
With the abstract deadline of AGU 2021 approaching, I would like to invite
everyone to submit their abstract to our session DI010: Interdisciplinary
studies of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system (
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/120755). In this
session, we focus on the study of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system and
welcome contributions on this topic using methodologies including but not
limited to seismic and electromagnetic imaging, geochemical modeling,
mineral physics, and thermal-mechanical modeling. Interdisciplinary studies
that integrate observations across disciplines are especially encouraged.
Since this year's AGU will be in a hybrid format, please feel free to
submit an abstract no matter you plan to travel to New Orleans or not!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Tianze Liu, UC San Diego, til008<at>ucsd.edu
Daniel Blatter, UC San Diego, dblatter<at>ucsd.edu
Joshua Russel, Brown University, joshua_russell<at>brown.edu
William Shinevar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, wshinevar<at>gmail.com