Thread: MUSTANGular version 2.2 is released

Started: 2021-08-16 14:14:23
Last activity: 2021-08-16 14:14:23
2021-08-16 14:14:23
Dear MUSTANG Users,

We are happy to announce the release of MUSTANGular version 2.2, available at [ | ] . MUSTANGular is a web-based application that plots color-coded MUSTANG metric values on an interactive map. New improvements include:

1. 'Display single channel’ priority now includes location codes. When there are co-located station channels and the display is set to show one channel only, the user can prioritize which channel is displayed (if the first priority channel is not available at a station, it goes to the second priority, etc.). In previous versions, this priority selection did not include location code and as a result there were channel-locations that could not be displayed. This update fixes this issue.

2. Re-introducing the 'aggregate channels' feature. When Mustangular was first developed, it had the option to create a single station value by aggregating the values across co-located channels. This feature disappeared in version 2.0 and is now being added again. The options are to aggregate my maximum, minimum, and most extreme values. This is secondary to the 'channel value across timespan' value, which has options to calculate single values for each station-channel-location for the time period selected (default=average). It will calculate a single value for each station-channel-location, and then aggregate these values across co-located channels.

3. Improvements to the station pop-up display. When selecting a station on the map, the pop-up displays the values for all the channel-locations in addition to the value displayed on the map. These are individually color-coded according to the color scale.

MUSTANGular was created and is maintained at the University of Washington by the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network. Thanks go to Kyla Marczewski (primary developer) and Paul Bodin (Network Manager) for making this available not only to IRIS, but also as an open source project on GitHub ( [ | ] ).

Best Regards,
IRIS Quality Assurance

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