Thread: Workshops April 25-27: EarthScope Alaska Synthesis and EON-ROSE

Started: 2022-02-24 18:49:34
Last activity: 2022-02-24 18:49:34
Topics: Other Meetings
Freymueller, Jeffrey
2022-02-24 18:49:34
Some of you will have seen this call before, but I am sending it out again (and more broadly), as we have delayed decisions on support for attending this workshop due to the ever-evolving pandemic situation. If you have already responded, we have your response saved. If not, and you are still interested, then please respond by the end of February as we will make decisions about travel in early March. More information about the workshops is now available on the website:

We continue to plan for a follow-up Alaska Synthesis workshop and a coordinated workshop for the Canadian EON-ROSE program during the week of April 25, immediately following the SSA meeting, in Nanaimo, BC Canada at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre ( We anticipate that the current surge of omicron COVID-19 cases will have abated by then, allowing an in-person meeting with a virtual attendance option. The Alaska workshop will be held on April 25, and will focus on follow-up discussions of activities discussed at the May 2021 virtual workshop, and new findings of interest. This will overlap the first day of the EON-ROSE workshop, which will focus on the problem of induced seismicity. Travel support for US participants will be available, both for those attending the Alaska side meeting and the EON-ROSE workshop. There is also the option of remote participation in all of the events.


The current schedule is as follows:

Sunday April 24: Transit from Seattle area to Nanaimo on the ferry, or fly to Nanaimo
Monday April 25: Alaska Synthesis Workshop
EON-ROSE day 1: Induced Seismicity
Tuesday April 26: EON-ROSE day 2: Critical minerals systems, including seismic imaging
Wednesday April 27: EON-ROSE day 3: Applications of GNSS, Space Weather, and Critical Zone

There will be no registration fees, and travel support for US participants will be available. Participants may attend all or only some days, although priority for travel support will be given to those who attend multiple days and/or only need incremental support as they are also attending the SSA meeting. There will be an option for virtual participation for the entire event.

If you are selected for travel support, we will need to arrange flights or ferry tickets (if possible) through an MSU-affiliated travel agency. We are hoping to be able to arrange for a block of rooms that can be billed directly so that travelers do not have to pay. Some meals will be provided as part of the workshop, but otherwise meals, ground transportation and miscellaneous expenses will be the responsibility of the traveler.

To register interest, and request travel support, please fill out the survey at the link below before the end of February:

We understand that at this moment, people might want to attend in person but not yet be sure if that will be possible. Thus we will interpret interest in in-person attendance accordingly. Full commitment to in-person attendance will be needed closer to the time of the meeting, when it becomes necessary to book travel.

Finally, if the COVID-19 pandemic situation does not improve or deteriorates further, we will hold the workshop as entirely virtual, but on those scheduled dates.

Background: EON-ROSE (Earth-System Observing Network – Réseau d’Observation du Système terrestrE) is a proposed international scientific initiative designed to enable trans-disciplinary research on Earth systems processes from the mantle to the magnetosphere. EON-ROSE is spearheaded by the creation of a continent-scale open-data Earth Systems observational network. A proposed initial pilot program (CCArray) will focus on the Canadian Cordillera – the mountainous regions of western Canada – which represents a world-class natural laboratory to holistically examine coupled-Earth systems.
Scientific Workshop: During the week of April 25, 2022, EON-ROSE is convening a scientific workshop at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo, British Columbia. The workshop will have a hybrid format and will provide a venue to share recent research results that are relevant to CCArray, including two Geoscience BC research projects (Garibaldi Geothermal Volcanic Belt Assessment Project and Understanding and Mitigating Induced Seismicity Risk in the Kiskatinaw Area, BC). It also represents an opportunity to renew international scientific partnerships, including the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and EarthScope, and to discuss new research areas such as critical mineral systems.

Dr. Jeffrey T. Freymueller
Endowed Chair for Geology of the Solid Earth
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Michigan State University

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