Thread: DAS RCN Community Forums - February 2022 and April 2022

Started: 2022-03-08 15:44:55
Last activity: 2022-03-08 15:44:55
2022-03-08 15:44:55
Hello DAS Mailing List, Steering Committee Members, and Working Group leads,

We held the first public DAS RCN Community Forum on February 10th and the
recording is now posted under the Events tab of the DAS RCN website: We apologize for any technical
difficulties encountered with registering for or attending this event and
will attempt to iron out the wrinkles before our next public call.

We will hold a DAS RCN Steering Committee call (includes working group
leads and representatives) this month on March 10th, 2022 at 11am ET. A
public report from this call will be posted on the DAS RCN website.

A survey will be sent out soon on DAS Community Resources/Facilities. The
results of this survey will be presented at the next public DAS Community
Forum, to be held April 14th at 11am ET. You can register at the following
Another announcement that includes the agenda will go out about this forum
at a later date.

If there are any questions, please do get in touch with any of us or send a
message to das-rcn<at> We also welcome your suggestions for topics
for future Community Forums, as well as nominations for webinar presenters
and other feedback about the RCN.

Herb, Bob, Scott, and Kasey


Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS Instrumentation Services
202-407-7019 | kasey<at> | (she/her)
Currently teleworking M-F, 10am-6pm ET

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