Thread: 2022 ESC: Submission Deadline Extended.

Started: 2022-03-19 15:27:28
Last activity: 2022-03-19 15:27:28
Topics: Other Meetings
Lorraine Hwang
2022-03-19 15:27:28
Dear Colleagues,

The submission deadline for the 3rd European Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, a joint event with the 17th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and the 38th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission has been extended to Thursday March 31. Please consider submitting an abstract to the joint SSA-ESC session S01:  Old seismograms / new knowledge: Preservation and use of legacy seismograms - SSA-ESC joint session  Old seismograms / new knowledge: Preservation and use of legacy seismograms - SSA-ESC joint session.

We look forward to seeing you in Bucharest, Romania September 4-9.

Lorraine Hwang on behalf of the Conveners

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