Thread: Submit an abstract by April 28 to attend the “AGU-SEG workshop on Geophysics of Convergent Margins” | Seattle, WA - July 12-14, 2022

Started: 2022-03-23 15:39:01
Last activity: 2022-03-23 15:39:01
Topics: Other Meetings
Submit an abstract by April 28 to attend the “AGU-SEG joint workshop on Geophysics of Convergent Margins”.
In person workshop | July 12 - 14, 2022; University of Washington in Seattle, WA
Meeting Website:
Abstract submission is free

Dear colleagues,

We welcome you to submit an abstract to attend “AGU-SEG workshop on Geophysics of Convergent Margins”, an in-person workshop. This workshop aims to connect scientists from both the SEG and AGU communities working on a wide range of geophysical methods to study convergent margins. We expect a broad and diverse audience drawn from domestic and international researchers, including graduate students and early career scientists who are interested in the structure and dynamics of subduction zones. The workshop will be held over three full days from July 12-14, 2022. The format of the workshop will include keynote lectures, short talks, posters, and discussions followed by a possible, optional field trip to the nearby Olympic Peninsula on July, 15.

We invite abstracts for the following topics
• Geophysical imaging of subduction zones at different scales
• Time-Lapse Geophysics (Monitoring and other novel methodologies)
• Natural resources
• Tectonics and geology of convergent margins
• Geodynamic modeling of convergent margins
• Cycling of the Earth system and fluid flow at convergent margins
• Natural hazards

Submit an abstract by April 28, 2022 for full consideration and indicate your preferences for an oral presentation or poster. Application results will be provided in May 2022.

There will be some support for early career scientists to cover registration fee, domestic travel and lodging.

Important Dates:
April 28: Deadline to submit an abstract
May 20: Abstract acceptance results
June1: Successful applicants are invited to confirm participation
June 10: early bird registration deadline
Mid-June: Final meeting agenda is released.

Draft agenda
The agenda will develop as the list of participants is completed. Final meeting agenda will be released in Mid-June.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Organizing Committee
Anne Bécel (LDEO, Columbia University) (annebcl<at>
Heather Bedle (University of Oklahoma) (hbedle<at>
Dale Bird (Bird Geophysical, Houston, Texas)
Marine Denolle (University of Washington)
Mike Murphy (University of Houston)
Alex Grant (University of Washington and USGS)
Shuoshuo Han (UTIG, Austin)
Kirstie L. Haynie (USGS, Golden, Colorado)
Adam Holt (University of Miami)
David Lumley (University of Texas at Dallas)
Shaoping Lu (Sun Yat-sen University)
Valerie Sahakian (University of Oregon)

Anne Bécel (she/hers)
Lamont Associate Research Professor
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University
P.O. Box 1000
61 Route 9W
Palisades, NY 10964

+1 845 365 8813

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