Thread: Pre-registration open! SPIN Workshop on time-dependent behavior Earth's materials: 22-28 May, 2022

Started: 2022-03-28 21:07:32
Last activity: 2022-03-28 21:07:32
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear all,

The Innovative Training Network *SPIN* workshop
near Bordeaux, France from 22-28 May, 2022 is now open for

The main focus of this workshop will be on the *monitoring and
understanding of the time-dependent behavior of the Earth’s crustal
materials*. It will include contributions on the theoretical background
to nonclassical nonlinear elasticity. In addition to the scientific
focus, training in transferable skills will also be offered.

We have a list of excellent speakers who will cover four main topics:

* *The Earth’s elastic wavefield* (seismic interferometry, wave
scattering, ambient seismic noise generation)
* *Nonlinear and time dependent elasticity* (experimental evidence
from laboratory)
* *Field observations of changing elasticity* (volcanoes, fault zones,
mountains, hydrology shaking, stress changes, …)
* *Modeling non-classical elastic behavior* (velocity changes,
hysteresis, recovery, …)

Check out the website for the scientific program, the venue, and further
details around the workshop:

If you wish to attend, please *fill in the pre-registration survey here
by April 1st, 2022: *

Participation is open to all interested researchers. Please note that
the capacity of the venue is limited. Therefore, if you are not actively
involved in the SPIN project, we ask you to submit a short statement of
your motivation for participation in the workshop as well as your
research interest in the pre-registration survey.

We will make an effort to allow for remote participation of EGU sessions
to accommodate the conflict of the revised EGU dates.

We will notify you by April 5, 2022 whether your pre-registration was
accepted. Final registration and payment will be open from April 5-15,

Please forward this announcement to anyone who may be interested, and to
relevant mailing lists.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!

++Celine, on behalf of the organization team


*Dr. Céline Hadziioannou *
University of Hamburg
Institute of Geophysics
Bundesstrasse 55
20146 Hamburg -- Germany

Tel. +49 (0)40 42838 2980
Mail: celine.hadziioannou<at>
Web :
Coordinator of *SPIN ITN* ``Monitoring a Restless Earth''

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