Thread: Apply Now - Deadline May 20th: Bringing Geophysics to Introductory Science Courses: Using IGUaNA Modules in Your Classroom, August 10-12, 2022, Laramie, WY

Started: 2022-05-11 08:58:36
Last activity: 2022-05-11 08:58:36
Dear Colleagues,

We invite faculty to participate in an upcoming workshop (fully funded!)
with both classroom and field components around the IGUaNA (Introducing
Geophysics for Urban and Near-Surface Applications) curriculum modules

*Apply Here*:
*Deadline:* Friday, May 20th

*In the field*, participants can expect to gain experience with collecting
near-surface geophysics measurements, such as ground penetrating radar,
seismic refraction, and electrical resistivity. After a day of instruction,
participants will then instruct other participants and practice how to
teach effective data acquisition. *In the classroom*, participants will
gain experience with the IGUaNA teaching materials under the guidance of
the module authors and will discuss how to include IGUaNA materials into
your introductory courses.

*Dates:* August 10-12, 2022
*Location:* University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
*Expected Number of Participants:* ~20-25 faculty and instructors. Faculty
and instructors from MSIs and 2YC are encouraged to apply.
*Costs:* This will be a fully-funded workshop, with travel (airfare), hotel
accommodations, and per diem food expenses covered.

*Questions?* Please contact Dr. Danielle Sumy at danielle.sumy<at>

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