Thread: Basic Training for SeisComP in new Version 5: Potsdam, Germany, 4 - 7 October, 2022

Started: 2022-05-23 16:08:21
Last activity: 2022-05-23 16:08:21
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear seismology community,

Our next very popular Beginner Training for SeisComP will for the very first time introduce SeisComP in the new version 5 with lots of new features!

Location: gempa offices, Potsdam, Germany
Dates: 4 - 7 October, 2022
Details and registration:

This Beginner Course is perfect for new SeisComP users who wish to get quickly started with a productive SeisComP system. You may register now.

In this training you will learn operating SeisComP from us - the main developers of this wide-spread OpenSource software package for real-time earthquake monitoring.

Training topics include:

* Introduction to characteristics of SeisComP.
* Setup of a full SeisComP system from scratch, installation of the latest SeisComP release and future updates.
* Generation of station information including responses.
* Setup of the data acquisition, storage and distribution using SeedLink and FDSNWS.
* Configuration of the automatic and interactive data processing modules through the graphical user interface and by command-line tools.
* In-depth introduction and application of graphical user interfaces for data analysis.
* Data management utilities.
* Tuning of SeisComP for local, regional and global earthquake monitoring including waveform processing, automatic phase pickers, event locators and associator.
* Application and tuning of magnitudes.
* Hands-on training with focus on application of interactive data analysis, real-time playbacks, off-line playbacks and hands-on tuning.
* Customization of graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

Read the complete list of topics on our website:

The training is highly hands-on oriented and very intensive. You get to learn and to practice actively at all times. Therefore, the registration to the training is open to everyone but limited to a maximum of 8 persons.

You may find all further details including registration online in the announcement of the course.

More trainings will be announced online:

See you soon in Potsdam!

Dirk Roessler and the team of gempa
04:11:22 v.af9cd46b