2022-07-14 16:05:51
Last activity:
2022-07-14 16:05:51
Distributed Acoustic Sensing
The IRIS DAS RCN is coordinating a global measurement campaign of fibre systems.
We envision a campaign where multiple DAS systems are recording at the same time in different regions of the globe for a certain time, such that we can look at teleseismic EQs. That way we could find out how a global monitoring system based on DAS should look like. We hope that there are a few interesting global EQs during that period, and each participant can upload triggered data window to a central storage location. This would thus also help to identify bottle-necks in data format, storage, and legal issues. Scientifically, this dataset should also allow for very interesting research!
The campaign is planned from 01.Feb - 28.Feb 2023 and shall contain DAS systems of triggered data from teleseismic events (>M5, USGS catalogue). We are looking for contributions from academia and industry (downhole, pipeline, ...)
What: Global EQ DAS data campaign
When: 01.Feb - 28Feb 2023.
Legal: CreativeCommons (to be confirmed)
Data: 100Hz strain(rate) data,
spatial sampling ~20m,
cable (channel) coordinates in Lat/Long,
1 hour per event (3600sec)
If you are interested in contributing to this effort, please contact me at andreas.wuestefeld<at><andreas.wuestefeld<at>>
Dr Andreas Wuestefeld
Technology Lead - Fiber Optics
Gunnar Randers vei 15
PO Box 53, N-2007 Kjeller
Mobile: +47 47 66 79 28
Email: andreasw<at> <andreasw<at>>
Web: www.norsar.no
We envision a campaign where multiple DAS systems are recording at the same time in different regions of the globe for a certain time, such that we can look at teleseismic EQs. That way we could find out how a global monitoring system based on DAS should look like. We hope that there are a few interesting global EQs during that period, and each participant can upload triggered data window to a central storage location. This would thus also help to identify bottle-necks in data format, storage, and legal issues. Scientifically, this dataset should also allow for very interesting research!
The campaign is planned from 01.Feb - 28.Feb 2023 and shall contain DAS systems of triggered data from teleseismic events (>M5, USGS catalogue). We are looking for contributions from academia and industry (downhole, pipeline, ...)
What: Global EQ DAS data campaign
When: 01.Feb - 28Feb 2023.
Legal: CreativeCommons (to be confirmed)
Data: 100Hz strain(rate) data,
spatial sampling ~20m,
cable (channel) coordinates in Lat/Long,
1 hour per event (3600sec)
If you are interested in contributing to this effort, please contact me at andreas.wuestefeld<at><andreas.wuestefeld<at>>
Dr Andreas Wuestefeld
Technology Lead - Fiber Optics
Gunnar Randers vei 15
PO Box 53, N-2007 Kjeller
Mobile: +47 47 66 79 28
Email: andreasw<at> <andreasw<at>>
Web: www.norsar.no