Thread: Quality factor using SAC Software

Started: 2012-07-24 16:58:28
Last activity: 2012-07-24 16:58:28
Topics: SAC Help
2012-07-24 16:58:28
Dear Sac Users,

I'm PhD student from Morocco , i work on the attenuation of wave seismic .
Is there any macro or script to determine the quality factor Qc using
SAC software ?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best Regards

Abderrahim Boulanouar

  • Januka Attanayake
    2012-07-24 11:06:58
    Hello Abderrahim, 

    Qc generally refers to scattering attenuation and if you want to calculate that, you may look at the following paper:

    Leyton, F., and K. D. Koper (2007), Using PKiKP coda to determine inner core structure: 2. Determination of QC,
    J. Geophys. Res., 112, B05317, doi:10.1029/2006JB004370

    On the other hand, if you are referring to Q in general, then you may have to use a synthetic seismogram algorithm like reflectivity. 


    Serenity isn't freedom from the storm, but peace within the storm

    Januka Attanayake 
    Earthquake Seismology & Economics
    The University of Connecticut
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    From: Abderrahim Boulanouar <cocanouar<at>>
    To: sac-help<at>
    Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 5:58 AM
    Subject: [SAC-HELP] Quality factor using SAC Software

    Dear Sac Users,

    I'm PhD student from Morocco , i work on the attenuation of wave seismic .
    Is there any macro or script to determine the quality factor Qc using
    SAC software ?

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

    Best Regards

    Abderrahim Boulanouar
    sac-help mailing list
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