Thread: Error with readcss

Started: 2012-08-21 21:16:23
Last activity: 2012-08-22 04:35:14
Topics: SAC Help
Justin Wood
2012-08-21 21:16:23
Hello all,

I am having trouble reading css files into SAC (version grh-109). I believe
incorrect syntax is causing the error [1301], but I'm not sure of the
correct syntax (even when looking at the help file). I've typed in the
following commands:

readcss *.wfdisc

readcss H31*.wfdisc

and variants thereof, but I still receive error 1301.

SAC also provides an additional message that reads:

- relevant header fields left vacant

- The current flist does not contain any fnames listed in the .wfdisc
file. Reset it properly in the next cmd, e.g. to *. The keyword dir
must precede the css data.

In response I tried typing in the following commands:

readcss *.wfdisc *.w

readcss H31*.wfdisc H31*.w

but I stil receive the same error and the additional message mentioned
earlier. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

  • George Helffrich
    2012-08-22 04:35:14
    Dear Justin -

    What you have to type to READCSS depends on what your files are named. An "ls" command in the directory with your CSS files should illuminate things.

    For example, if "ls" in your directory reports

    19790829-21-SS.wfdisc ...

    then you would read the CSS file group with either

    SAC> readcss 19790829-21-SS.wfdisc


    SAC> readcss 19790829-21-SS

    On the other hand, if your "ls" command reports

    19790829-21-SS.w ...

    then you would read it with

    SAC> readcss 19790829-21-SS.w

    Without knowing the names of the CSS files in your directories, it isn't possible to say. Unless some of the files end with the ".wfdisc" suffix, you must use the full, explicit CSS file name with the READCSS command.

    On 21 Aug 2012, at 20:16, Justin Wood wrote:

    Hello all,

    I am having trouble reading css files into SAC (version grh-109). I believe incorrect syntax is causing the error [1301], but I'm not sure of the correct syntax (even when looking at the help file). I've typed in the following commands:

    readcss *.wfdisc

    readcss H31*.wfdisc

    and variants thereof, but I still receive error 1301.

    SAC also provides an additional message that reads:
    relevant header fields left vacant
    The current flist does not contain any fnames listed in the .wfdisc file. Reset it properly in the next cmd, e.g. to *. The keyword dir must precede the css data.
    In response I tried typing in the following commands:

    readcss *.wfdisc *.w

    readcss H31*.wfdisc H31*.w

    but I stil receive the same error and the additional message mentioned earlier. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you in advance,
    sac-help mailing list

    George Helffrich

00:36:31 v.af9cd46b