Thread: Postdoctoral Fellowship

Started: 2022-10-14 21:08:55
Last activity: 2022-10-14 21:08:55
Simon Klemperer
2022-10-14 21:08:55
Institution: Department of Geophysics, Stanford University
Open Until: 2022-12-15

Thompson Postdoctoral Fellowship in Geophysics,
Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability

The Department of Geophysics at the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability has established the Thompson Postdoctoral Fellowship to be awarded to a candidate preferably within two years of receipt of the Ph.D. A candidate applying before completing their Ph.D. must have been awarded their degree before taking up the Fellowship. Our fellowship is open to applicants (whatever the discipline of their Ph.D.) in any area of geophysics, including new areas of research that cross classical disciplinary boundaries. Our department studies the surface and interiors of the Earth, Moon, and planets through laboratory experiments, computational and theoretical modeling, remote imaging, and direct observation. Our research has both fundamental and applied elements.

The successful candidate will demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and promise, and they will contribute to the growth and diversity of the Department. We seek candidates who have their own independent research agenda but have common interests with one or more existing faculty (who will serve as a formal mentor(s)) to participate in their research group activities. We encourage prospective applicants, before applying, to communicate with prospective faculty mentors. Fellowship candidates will automatically be considered for other available postdoctoral positions at Stanford in their fields of interest.

This postdoctoral fellowship will be awarded for a one-year period that can start any time between September 1st 2023 and June 30th 2024 with an anticipated extension for a second year. The compensation package includes a salary of $65,000–75,000/year (depending on experience), benefits, and a $15,000 research allowance.

Applications received by December 15th, 2022 will receive fullest consideration, but the position will remain open until filled. A short list of candidates will be interviewed in February/March 2023.
Application Materials Required:
Please download and complete the datasheet and return by email to samosj<at> together with a single .pdf document that combines in sequence:
• Curriculum Vitae: including list of publications, presentations and other research products, teaching experience, and service (related to research, education or outreach) inside and outside your home institution.
• Summary of Doctoral Dissertation: Summary (abstract) (one-page maximum) of your doctoral dissertation.
• Statement of Research: A concise statement (three-page maximum), describing research and other interests you would like to pursue at Stanford, and how a fellowship at Stanford would complement your existing experience.
• Statement of Contributions to Diversity: A one-page summary of your experiences with diversity, equity, inclusion and access in research, teaching, and/or service, and your potential to advance Stanford’s ‘IDEAL’ vision of diversity as a postdoctoral fellow.
• Names and email addresses of three individuals from whom the search committee may request letters of reference.
• Three published papers or preprints or other research products

More information about our Department and the Thompson Fellowship can be found at and at
Questions may be directed to samosj<at>

Stanford deeply appreciates the value of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, and defines diversity broadly to include (among other things) diversity of genders, races and ethnicities, cultures, physical and learning differences, sexual orientations and identities, veteran status, and work and life experiences. Stanford Earth welcomes all who would bring diversity of perspective to the School’s research and teaching missions.

Stanford is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer, and consistent with its obligations under the law prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of any characteristic protected by applicable law.
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