Thread: Re: java error requesting data from NCEDC using irisFetch.Traces

Started: 2022-10-18 13:37:12
Last activity: 2022-10-18 13:37:12

Thanks for reaching out about the issues you’ve encountered with using irisFetch. The root of this problem is that we do not have the correct URLs for the NCEDC web service endpoints defined in the Federator system. We will be in contact with the NCEDC group in order to rectify this ASAP.

In the meantime to access the data you are requesting, you will need to explicitly define the services for the NCEDC in your call to irisFetch.Traces. Please add the following parameters to your request(s):

This request successfully returns data:
tr = irisFetch.Traces('NC','JST','*','EHZ','1985-06-10 02:05:13.7600','1985-06-10 02:05:33.7600','STATIONURL:','DATASELECTURL:')

If you continue to encounter issues with using irisFetch.m please reach out to me directly with any further questions you may have.


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From: "Norma Contreras (via IRIS)" <data-request-help-bounce<at> <data-request-help-bounce<at>>>
Subject: [IRIS][data-request-help] java error requesting data from NCEDC using irisFetch.Traces
Date: October 18, 2022 at 11:34:35 AM EDT
To: Data Request Help <data-request-help<at> <data-request-help<at>>>
Reply-To: ncont028<at> <ncont028<at>>, data-request-help<at> <data-request-help<at>>


I recently started having trouble when requesting data from the NCEDC using irisFetch.m.

I have downloaded the newest irisFetch.m release (2.0.12), as well as the most recent JAR file (2.0.19). The JAR file has also been added to my path using javaaddpath.

I have tried requesting data using the following line:
tr = irisFetch.Traces('NC','JST','*','EHZ','1985-06-10 02:05:13.7600','1985-06-10 02:05:33.7600', 'federated','''>);

However, I receive the following error message: Moved Permanently
at edu.iris.dmc.service.WaveformService.fetch(
at edu.iris.dmc.service.WaveformService.fetch(
at edu.iris.dmc.service.WaveformService.fetch(
at edu.iris.dmc.extensions.fetch.TraceData.fetchTraces(
at edu.iris.dmc.extensions.fetch.TraceData.fetchTraces(
at edu.iris.dmc.extensions.fetch.TraceData.fetchTraces(
at edu.iris.dmc.extensions.fetch.TraceData.fetchTraces(

I also tried a slightly different url ('>), but this returns an empty structure and the message:
Received 0 channels in 0.1 seconds".

I tried requesting data for events that I had successfully requested before, but ran into the same issues. I've contacted the NCEDC, but the issue appears to be with irisFetch itself and not their web service.

Any help or guidance in solving this error would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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