Thread: DAS RCN Webinar Recording Posted - Instrumentation Showcase Part 5

Started: 2022-10-20 08:00:00
Last activity: 2022-10-20 08:00:00
2022-10-20 08:00:00
The DAS RCN webinar "Instrumentation Showcase - Part 5" was held on October
19, 2022 and a recording is now available at:

Thank you again to our presenter Agatha Podrasky, as well as our moderator
Yingping Li. Please see below for contact information and websites for
following up on content in the presentations as well as your
instrumentation needs.

- Agatha Podrasky, Silixa
- agatha.podrasky<at>

If you are interested in future DAS RCN events, please go to the website: and join the DAS mailing list
by going to:

This concludes our DAS RCN Instrumentation Showcase webinar series. If you
would like to give an instrumentation presentation, please get in touch
with Yingping Li at y1p2li58<at> and we will arrange further events
in 2023 depending on availability.

08:50:59 v.af9cd46b