Thread: Reminder: Abstract deadline is 14 February for IUGG 2023 Symposium on “Advances in earthquake and explosion monitoring using Distributed Acoustic Sensing”.

Started: 2023-01-24 03:34:30
Last activity: 2023-01-24 03:34:30
IUGG 2023 Symposium on “Advances in earthquake and explosion monitoring using Distributed Acoustic Sensing”.

Abstract submission deadline is 14 February 2023. Author notification of acceptance/rejection is 17 March 2023.

Distributed acoustic sensing has grown into an exciting topic within observational seismology over the last decade. The flexibility of how and where a fibre optic cable can be deployed provides significant opportunities for both novel network designs and a large range of monitoring and sensing applications. Despite this growth in interest, we are still, as a community, trying to understand both what the current limitations are and how far we can push these limits.

Fundamental differences exist between DAS measurements and traditional seismometers. DAS measures strain or strain rate whereas seismometers measure particle velocity. Furthermore, DAS measures deformation at metre-scale and only in the direction of the cable whereas seismometers provide single-point measurements but in three orthogonal directions. While the differences in physical measurements require adaptation to extract meaningful signal characteristics, the continuous spatial measurements provide new opportunities for novel signal processing techniques that can take advantage of the vast quantities of data that are recorded.

Existing DAS networks include fibre-optic cable buried in shallow trenches or vertical boreholes, cable deployed to emulate traditional seismic arrays, and the repurposing of telecommunication fibre and underwater cables for seismological applications. These networks have been used to demonstrate the potential for earthquake early warning, studies of Earth structure, seismic source analysis, global earthquake monitoring and explosion monitoring. Differences in cable construction and cable deployment can produce differences in the recorded signal.

In this symposium we wish to encourage contributions that showcase how DAS can be best used and developed for enhancing seismological analyses relevant to earthquake and explosion monitoring. We are interested in novel methods, applications, networks, and case studies that can enrich our understanding of the topic.

Conveners: Ben Dando (Ben<at> , Herb Wang (hfwang<at>wisc.edu>), Meghan Miller (Meghan.Miller<at><Meghan.Miller<at>>), Lotte Krawcyzk (lotte<at><lotte<at>>)

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