Thread: 2023 DAS RCN Field Experience - May 30-31, 2023 in Golden, Colorado - Application and Travel Support Now Open

Started: 2023-04-07 13:00:32
Last activity: 2023-04-07 13:00:32
The *2023 DAS RCN Field Experience* will be held May 30-31
(all day) at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. This event
will include hands-on experience with distributed acoustic sensing systems
and installation techniques. We encourage all to apply; we plan to support
participants with a range of education/career stages and previous DAS

This event will be held in-person. There is travel support available for
selected participants for lodging and up to $1500 in reimbursable travel
expenses. All participants, supported or self-supported, must apply using
the form below.

*Apply Here!*

*The application deadline for participation and travel support is April
17th. Applicants will be notified on April 21st.*

Have questions? Please contact kasey.aderhold @ for more

The research coordination network and this workshop is supported by funding
from the National Science Foundation under award EAR-1948737. More
information about the DAS RCN is available here

Kasey Aderhold, PhD

Project Manager
202-407-7019 | Teleworking M-F, 10am-6pm ET

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