Thread: unknown physical units ...

Started: 2013-02-15 06:15:33
Last activity: 2013-02-15 07:23:49
Topics: SAC Help
2013-02-15 06:15:33
Dear SAC users,

I downloaded some SAC data files using the JWEED program. What I wondered why the IDEP variable shows unknown physical units (displacement, velocity, volts, etc). The seismograms looks pretty good except that their physical units are unkown (IDEP = 5; 5 = UNKNOWN).
How can figure out their physical units ? Are the data corrupted or wrong retrieved ?

I appreciate some suggestion please

Oscar Romero

  • Satish_iitb
    2013-02-15 07:23:49
    I think seismogram download from Jweed is IDEP header is (VEL) Velocity and
    not corrupted data.

    On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:15 PM, omromero <omromero<at>> wrote:

    Dear SAC users,

    I downloaded some SAC data files using the JWEED program. What I wondered
    why the IDEP variable shows unknown physical units (displacement, velocity,
    volts, etc). The seismograms looks pretty good except that their physical
    units are unkown (IDEP = 5; 5 = UNKNOWN).
    How can figure out their physical units ? Are the data corrupted or
    wrong retrieved ?

    I appreciate some suggestion please

    Oscar Romero

    sac-help mailing list

    *Satish Maurya*
    * Ph.D. student
    Dept. of Seismology
    *IPGP, France*

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