Thread: AGU23 Union Session U013 on impacts and implications of the Türkiye earthquake sequence

Started: 2023-06-22 18:59:47
Last activity: 2023-07-27 17:16:09
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We encourage you to consider submitting to a special AGU23 Union session focusing on impacts and implications of the February 6 earthquakes.


Mike Blanpied
Associate Coordinator, USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

U013 - The Türkiye Earthquake Sequence of February 2023: Human and Engineering Impacts, Scientific Findings, and Implications for Earthquake Risk and Risk Mitigation Strategies in the United States and Elsewhere.

On February 6, 2023, two large earthquakes (Mw 7.8 and 7.5) struck southeastern Türkiye (Turkey). Strong shaking and ground failure caused severe and widespread destruction and loss of life in Türkiye and northern Syria. This disaster has spawned numerous investigations of the earthquake faulting, ground motion and ground failure, and impacts. Results bear on seismic hazards and earthquake risk mitigation worldwide.

This session will focus on the important lessons learned from these investigations, and implications for seismic hazard and risk assessment, structural performance, earthquake risk mitigation strategies, and for the planning and conduct of post-earthquake investigations. The session is convened by representatives and partners of NEHRP (USGS, NIST, FEMA and NSF), the federal partnership charged with assessing and reducing risks from future earthquakes in the United States.

We invite presentations on geologic effects such as site amplification; ground failure and geotechnical impacts; performance of engineered structures and lifelines; social science and societal impacts; conduct of post-earthquake investigations in the context of a humanitarian crisis; and implications for earthquake risk, risk mitigation strategies, construction, functional recovery, and earthquake response and recovery planning and operations in the affected countries, the U.S., and worldwide. Contributions from Turkish and Syrian investigators, teams, and students are highly encouraged.

Note: Contributions will be presented in a poster session that will accompany a hybrid oral session of invited keynote presentations. There will be in-person poster sessions during the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco in December 2023, and separate online sessions that will be scheduled in late January 2024.

Please contact any of the conveners with any questions you may have:

Michael Blanpied (USGS, mblanpied<at><mblanpied<at>>)

Lindsay Davis (USGS & USAID, ldavis<at><ldavis<at>>)

Sissy Nikolaou (NIST, sissy.nikolaou<at><sissy.nikolaou<at>>)

Heidi Tremayne (EERI, heidi<at><heidi<at>>)


  • Dear Colleagues,

    We encourage you to contribute to a special AGU23 Union session focusing on implications of the February 6 earthquakes on building seismic resilience in a world of evolving climate, technologies, and communities.

    U013 - The Türkiye Earthquake Sequence of February 2023: Human and Engineering Impacts, Scientific Findings, and Implications for Earthquake Risk and Risk Mitigation Strategies in the United States and Elsewhere.

    On February 6, 2023, two large earthquakes (Mw 7.8 and 7.5) struck southeastern Türkiye (Turkey). Strong shaking and ground failure caused severe and widespread destruction and loss of life in Türkiye and northern Syria. This disaster has spawned numerous investigations of the earthquake faulting, ground motion and ground failure, and impacts. Results bear on seismic hazards and earthquake risk mitigation worldwide.

    This session will focus on the important lessons learned from these investigations, and implications for seismic hazard and risk assessment, structural performance, earthquake risk mitigation strategies, and for the planning and conduct of post-earthquake investigations. The session is convened by representatives and partners of NEHRP (USGS, NIST, FEMA and NSF), the federal partnership charged with assessing and reducing risks from future earthquakes in the United States.

    We invite presentations on geologic effects such as site amplification; ground failure and geotechnical impacts; performance of engineered structures and lifelines; social science and societal impacts; conduct of post-earthquake investigations in the context of a humanitarian crisis; and implications for earthquake risk, risk mitigation strategies, construction, functional recovery, and earthquake response and recovery planning and operations in the affected countries, the U.S., and worldwide. Contributions from Turkish and Syrian investigators, teams, and students are highly encouraged.

    Invited speakers:

    David Frost, Georgia Tech and GEER Association

    Kishor Jaiswal, US Geological Survey

    Ayse Hortacsu, Applied Technology Council

    Tugce Baser, Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Emel Ganapati, Florida Int'l University

    Note: Contributions will be presented in a poster session that will accompany a hybrid oral session of invited keynote presentations.

    Please contact any of the conveners with any questions you may have:

    Michael Blanpied (USGS, mblanpied<at><mblanpied<at>>)

    Lindsay Davis (USGS & USAID, ldavis<at><ldavis<at>>)

    Sissy Nikolaou (NIST, sissy.nikolaou<at><sissy.nikolaou<at>>)

    Heidi Tremayne (EERI, heidi<at><heidi<at>>)


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