Thread: Downloading Data From IRIS

Started: 2013-06-10 18:00:28
Last activity: 2013-06-10 19:32:18
Topics: SAC Help
Mohit Agrawal
2013-06-10 18:00:28
Howdy Everyone,

Just couple of days ago, I downloaded some data after making request
through JWEED. But when extracted that downloaded SEED file, I found that
there are no events information are stored in SAC headers. That might be
because my breq_fast request file does not contain hypocenter and magnitude
informations (like GCARC, EVLA, EVLO, EVDP, etc.) so that It can be loaded
into sac headers. I looked into the website for putting hypocenter and
magnitude information in the breq_fast file but according to it (as I
understood), I will have to put the individual event information in
individual breq_fast file. This is a very tiring way. Is there any easier
way to do this ?

Is there any way that I can put multi event information in a single
breq_fast file and get the sac files which have all the events information
stored in sac headers ?

*Mohit Agrawal
PhD Candidate | Research Assistant | Geophysics (Computational Seismology)
Dept. of Geology | Baylor University
Geophysics Lab, E453R | Baylor University Sciences Building (BSB) | Office:
Phone- 254-710-2172 ( lab), 254-710-2155(office), 281-460-8941(Personal)
Email : mohit_agrawal<at>, ism21.mohit<at>
Home Address : Apt # 207, 1500 s, 9th street, 76706, Waco, Texas, USA.*

  • Robert Casey
    2013-06-10 19:32:18

    Hi Mohit-

    I'll try to offer some help here. I think that we may be having issues with breq_fast's support of inserting hypocenter information in the headers, but this issue is being looked at. Having a large stack of hypocenters is generally not an accepted approach for breq_fast, or for SEED headers for that matter. We prefer to work with a small number of hypocenters when it comes to creation of SEED data.

    If you are using JWEED 4.1, you can generate SAC files customized to each event. This might be what you are referring to as tedious if you are trying to deal with hundreds of events, which I understand.

    The current alternative to JWEED that may work well for you is to use SOD. This tool now has a 3.2.0beta release that is compatible with the new web services at IRIS DMC and the developer for SOD would appreciate testers. You can find more information on SOD here at Univ. S. Carolina's web site:

    Thank you for your interest in IRIS DMC's data and services. We'll take a look at the breq_fast issue with hypocenters, but I think having a large list of events is not something that we will support in breq_fast for the foreseeable future.



    On Jun 10, 2013, at 9:00 AM, mohit agrawal wrote:

    Howdy Everyone,

    Just couple of days ago, I downloaded some data after making request through JWEED. But when extracted that downloaded SEED file, I found that there are no events information are stored in SAC headers. That might be because my breq_fast request file does not contain hypocenter and magnitude informations (like GCARC, EVLA, EVLO, EVDP, etc.) so that It can be loaded into sac headers. I looked into the website for putting hypocenter and magnitude information in the breq_fast file but according to it (as I understood), I will have to put the individual event information in individual breq_fast file. This is a very tiring way. Is there any easier way to do this ?

    Is there any way that I can put multi event information in a single breq_fast file and get the sac files which have all the events information stored in sac headers ?

    Mohit Agrawal
    PhD Candidate | Research Assistant | Geophysics (Computational Seismology)
    Dept. of Geology | Baylor University
    Geophysics Lab, E453R | Baylor University Sciences Building (BSB) | Office: E454R,BSB.
    Phone- 254-710-2172 ( lab), 254-710-2155(office), 281-460-8941(Personal)
    Email : mohit_agrawal<at>, ism21.mohit<at>
    Home Address : Apt # 207, 1500 s, 9th street, 76706, Waco, Texas, USA.
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