Data Services Newsletter

Volume 20 : No 1 : Spring 2018

North American Seismic Network Training Workshop, Quality Assurance

IRIS is organizing a quality assurance workshop for North American seismic networks with training in the use of the MUSTANG system. Potential topics include:

  • an in-depth look into the MUSTANG web services, including the PDF Browser and recent additions
  • an overview of existing MUSTANG clients (MUSTANG Databrowser, LASSO, MUSTANGular)
  • using MUSTANG metrics and combinations of metrics to identify station problems and metadata issues
  • incorporating MUSTANG metrics into automated scripts
  • our experiences creating monthly network QA reports for _GSN and other networks

The 2-3 day workshop will be held in summer 2018 at the IRIS Data Management Center in Seattle and limited travel funding will be available. Dates, preliminary agenda, and invitations will be sent out in the near future.

by Gillian Sharer (IRIS Data Management Center)

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