Data Services Newsletter

Volume 9 : No 2 : June 2007

New Data at the DMC

June 2007

See also Data Statistics.

On this page:


Network Start Year End Year Name Category Restricted
AR 2000 2500 Northern Arizona Network REGIONAL N
NE 1994 2500 Northeastern United States Networks REGIONAL N
RE 1985 2500 US Bureau of Reclamation Seismic Networks REGIONAL N
XD 2002 2006 Central China PASSCAL Y
PL 1990 2500 Polish Seismological Network FDSN N
XI 2003 2004 TAG Hydrothermal Mound Passive Seismic Experiment OBSIP N
YW 2002 2004 Cape Verde Mantle Structure SEIS-UK Y
XS 2006 2009 MEDUSA Multidisciplinary Exp for Dynamic Understanding of Subduction under the Aegean PASSCAL Y
ZG 2004 2004 Tides B Upstream PASSCAL Y
PM 2006 2500 Portuguese National Seismic Network FDSN N
YU 2006 2007 DELTA LEVY Northern California PASSCAL N
OV 1984 2500 Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico de Costa Rica FDSN N
XD 2007 2010 Polar Equipment Development IRIS Y
JP 1994 2500 Japan Meteorological Agency Seismic Network FDSN N
ZC 2006 2008 Marianas 2006-2008 PASSCAL Y

Assembled Data

Report Number Start Year End Year Nickname Name Type Restricted Notes
07-002 2003 2003 STAG Seismicity, Structure, and Fluid Flow of the TAG Hydrothermal System OBSIP N (null)
07-001 2006 2006 AFH Active Faults in Houston PASSCAL Y will be restricted until Nov. 21, 2008, PASSCAL exp 0652
07-003 2004 2004 SECARIB SE Caribbean Plate Boundary PASSCAL N (null)
07-004 1992 1992 KOLA92-VSP KOLA92: Kola Superdeep Borehold Reflection PASSCAL N (null)

by Rick Benson (IRIS Data Management Center)

05:04:33 v.b3198453