Important Note: POD has been deprecated at the DMC and is unsupported and considered legacy code.
It has been moved to the Seiscode community repository.
– Program to Output Data
is a program that was originally called output
and was written by Mark Wiederspahn. Its function is to produce a SEED (Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data) volume from a set of waveform files, their associated station/channel descriptions and response information.
requires five input data sources:
- Command line parameters.
- A request file.
- A wave form data directory.
- A SEED header directory.
- Environmental Variables
There are a number of conventions used; only one must be followed: pod
assumes the structure of the Header blockette directories as described in the Header File Directories section of this manual.
Command Line Parameters ¶
The invocation format is:
pod out_volume requests log_rec_size phys_rec_size vol_span time_span
– the program name
– the file name of the output seed volume.
– the file name of the h. request file.
– the SEED logical record size (usually 4096
– the physical record size of data written.
– the length of the interval for this volume (yy,ddd,hh,mm,ss
NOTE: trailing zero values need not be written (00,20 would be a span of 20 days.)
– the time span that data will be broken into within the volume. The format is the same as vol_span. It is used to specify at what intervals blockette 70’s will be generated .
Error messages are written to stdout and are generally redirected to a file such as pod.out. The default used at the IRIS DMC is:
pod seed h.req 4096 32768 0, #of days 0, # of days.
POD Request File ¶
The request file is a list of seismograms that are to be included in the SEED volume. Each record contains information that specifies a time interval and other information necessary to build the header, response and data records for the SEED volume. This request file has records as shown below. Each record is called a request record.
The following is an example of a simple request file.
KIV II BHE XX C 001 1992,050 1992,051 0000000100 0000000100 01836 II E KIV.II.BHE.92.0050 HAR000 BW 1992,050,11:34:30 1992,050,11:36:30 KIV II BHN XX C 001 1992,050 1992,051 0000000100 0000000100 01840 II E KIV.II.BHN.92.0050 HAR000 BW 1992,050,11:34:30 1992,050,11:36:30 KIV II BHZ XX C 001 1992,050 1992,051 0000000100 0000000100 01836 II E KIV.II.BHZ.92.0050 HAR000 BW 1992,050,11:34:30 1992,050,11:36:30 KIV II BHE XX C 001 1992,059 1992,059,12:00:50.7000 0000000100 000000010000920 II E KIV.II.BHE.92.059 HAR000 BW 1992,059,01:16:45 1992,059,01:18:45 KIV II BHN XX C 001 1992,059 1992,059,12:01:24 0000000100 0000000100 00920 II E KIV.II.BHN.92.059 HAR000 BW 1992,059,01:16:45 1992,059,01:18:45 KIV II BHZ XX C 001 1992,059 1992,059,12:01:37.1000 0000000100 0000000100 00920 II E KIV.II.BHE.92.059 HAR000 BW 1992,059,01:16:45 992,059,01:18:45 KIV II BHE XX C 002 1992,107 1992,108 0000000100 0000000100 01796 II E KIV.II.BHE.92.107 HAR000 BW 1992,107,14:18:50 1992,107,14:20:50 KIV II BHN XX C 002 1992,107 1992,108 0000000100 0000000100 01800 II E KIV.II.BHN.92.107 HAR000 BW 1992,107,14:18:50 1992,107,14:20:50 KIV II BHZ XX C 002 1992,107 1992,108 0000000100 000000010001796 II E KIV.II.BHZ.92.107 HAR000 BW 1992,107,14:18:50 1992,107,14:20:50
A request record has the following ascii fields, each separated from the next by an ascii tab (octal 011) character.
Description | Number of characters |
1. station | 5 |
2. network | 2 |
3. channel | 3 |
4. location | 10 although location is 2 chars, reserve 10 |
5. mode | 1 C continuous or T triggered (Not Used) |
6. number of segments | 3 1 if continuous (no longer used; assumed 0) |
7. start time of data file | 22 SEED time format: yyyy,ddd,hh:mm:ss.tttt |
8. end time of data file | 22 |
9. start time in Unix format | 10 set to 0000000100 (Not Used) |
10. end time in Unix format | 10 0000000100 (Not Used) |
11. length of file in kbytes (k = 1024) | 5 Pod prints warning if mismatched with file size |
12. originating Data Collection Center (DCC) | 2 (Not Used) |
13. original incoming medium | 1 (Not Used) |
14. Channel (data records) file name | 30 file name where data records can be found |
15. Header directory | 30 directory containing header and response information |
16. initials of operator loading tape | 2 (Not Used) |
17. request start time that user wants | 22 |
18. request end time that user wants | 22 |
All fields must be there, or blank. Field widths must be exact.
Waveform Directories ¶
Each station-channel-continuous time chunk is kept in a file that contains other time chunks from the same day. These files are grouped into directories that are named for the station.The data in the file is stored as SEED data records. The names are conventionally chosen to be able to determine which input volume and which DCC the data file came from.
pod working directory data_files h.req.file(holdings file) HAR000(header dir) ---------- ------------------------- ------------------ | ------------------------ | | | | KIV ANMO COL PFO ------- | | | | | | | KIV.II.BHE.1997.190 | | KIV.II.BHN.1997.190 | KIV.II.BHZ.1997.190 KIV.II.MHZ.1997.190
And similiarily for stations ANMO, COL and PFO
Header File Directories ¶
In pod 3.0 and above, the directory structure and naming conventions look like this:
pod working directory data_files H.A h.req.file(holding file) HAR000(Header dir) ---------- ---- ------------------------ -------------------- KIV.II BAR.II PFO.II | | ---------------- ----------------- B050 BHE BHN B050 B051 BHE ... | | ---------- ---- B052 B059 optional) B052
For older versions of pod (< 3.0) use this head file directory structure:
pod working directory data_files H.A h.req.file(holding file) HAR000(Header dir) ---------- ---- ------------------------ -------------------- SKIV## SBAR## SPFO## | | ------------------ ---------------------- B050 CBHE CBHN B050 B051 CBHE ... | | ---------- ---- B052 B059(optional) B052
HARxxx/ Header directory, where SEED control headers are:
xxx | conventionally 000 – 999 |
H.A | abbreviation header blockettes |
B050 | station blockettes 050 |
B051 | station comments |
B052 | channel blockettes 052-058, 060, 061 |
B059 | channel comments |
See Appendix A for examples of file contents.
Header Files ¶
Each file which contains SEED header blockettes is an ascii file with a UNIX line terminator, lf
, at the end of each blockette. They may not, in general, be edited as some blockettes may be up to 9999 bytes in size. The B052 files are usually the only ones which have records too long for the common UNIX text editors.
Within each Header file the blockettes should be sorted by increasing effective start/end time field. This allows the effective end=NULL
blockettes to be the last ones output. pod will include any blockette where the effective time crosses the request time window in the order in which such blockettes are encountered in the blockette file. Any end=NULL
blockette which starts before the request window is also included. Blockettes 053-058, 060 and 061 share the acceptance of the preceding 052 blockette. Any other blockette without an effective time is always accepted (eg, abbreviation definition blockettes). See Appendix A for example blockettes.
Environmental Variables ¶
the path name of the directory which contains the header information |
a list of directories separated by “:” that contain data files |
a string which supplies the organization field in blockette10 for SEED version 2.2 or greater |
version number i.e. 2.0 or 2.1 or 2.2 |
precision pod uses when computing continuity of data. Default is 20% of sample interval, otherwise what is entered (in .0001 of a second) |
when set to anything will cause pod to output a volume with no data records, i.e. a Dataless SEED volume |
Let’s say, in your pod working directory, you have a directory called data_files which holds directories of waveforms. You also have a holding file called h.req, a header directory with the H.A and directories with station/channel response information. See the Header file directories section for appropriate directory structure.
In the data_files directory we have directories of waveforms for ANMO, PFO, BAR, CCM and COL. If we run pod
from the working directory we would set the environment variables to look like this:
setenv DATA_PATH data_files/ANMO:data_files/PFO:data_files/BAR:data_files/CCM:data_files/COL
would simply be set to:
setenv HEADER_PATH HAR000 (using HAR000 as an example directory name)
Then run pod
pod seed.example h.req 4096 32768 10,100 10,100
If you have many waveform files you could run out of environment space, as you are having to enter the directory name data_files for each file. As an alternative, which is how the DMC uses pod
, run pod
from the data_files directory itself:
cd data_files setenv DATA_PATH ANMO:PFO:BAR:CCM:COL:.... setenv HEADER_PATH ../HAR000
Then to run pod enter:
pod seed.example ../h.req 4096 32768 10,100 10,100
In both examples SEED_VERSION
must be set.
The following psuedocode is intended to give the reader a generalized view of how the program flows. The program is generally well documented and the average programmer should be able to search out any specific questions he/she may have.begin read command line; read environment variables; initialize data structures; while (request lines available) begin if (start of new volume) begin output old volume ( ) begin make headers ( ) begin make volume header; make abbreviation headers; make station/channel headers; make channel response headers; make time span headers; end; output headers; output time span headers; output data records; end; initialize volume data structure end; find requested data; if (start of new time span) end; end;
When you untar the pod
tarfile you will get the source code organized in several directories.
Include | Contains all the include files |
Main | Containsthe main program and some function files that are closely associated with the main processing loop |
Scan_phase | Contains functions used during the program phase where the data records are scanned to determine the count of data records. These counts are used to determine the time span indices |
Header_phase | Contains functions that build the SEED volume header records |
Output_phase | Contains functions that output the previously built SEED records to the SEED volume file |
Utilities | Contains general purpose utility functions |
Example Header Directory pod version 3.0 and greater HAR000: H.A AFI.II CTAO.II LEM.II NWAO.II SNZO.II TAU.II HAR000/AFI.II: B050 B051 LHE LHN LHZ HAR000/AFI.II/LHE: B052 HAR000/AFI.II/LHN: B052 HAR000/AFI.II/LHZ: B052 HAR000/CTAO.II: B050 B051 LHE LHN LHZ HAR000/CTAO.II/LHE: B052 HAR000/CTAO/LHN: B052 HAR000/CTAO/LHZ: B052 HAR000/LEM.II: B050 B051 LHE LHN LHZ HAR000/LEM.II/LHE: B052 HAR000/LEM.II/LHN: B052 HAR000/LEM.II/LHZ: B052 B059 HAR000/NWAO.II: B050 B051 LHE LHN LHZ HAR000/NWAO.II/LHE: B052 HAR000/NWAO.II/LHN: B052 HAR000/NWAO.II/LHZ: B052 HAR000/SNZO.II: B050 B051 LHE LHN LHZ HAR000/SNZO.II/LHE: B052 HAR000/SNZO.II/LHN: B052 HAR000/SNZO.II/LHZ: B052 HAR000/TAU.II: B050 B051 LHE LHN LHZ HAR000/TAU.II/LHE: B052 HAR000/TAU.II/LHE: B052 HAR000/TAU.II/LHN: B052 HAR000/TAU.II/LHZ: B052
Example Blockettes ¶
Following are some example blockettes. Each blockette is one line that is terminated with a newline character. The various blockettes are images of the ASCII volume control header blockette as defined in the SEED Reference Manual.
H.A 0300232Steim Integer Compression Format~000105006F1 P4 W4 D0-31 C2 R1 P8 W4 D0-31 C2~P0 W4 N15 S2,0,1~T0 X N0 W4 D0-31 C2~T1 N0 W1 D0-7 C2 N1 W1 D0-7 C2 N2 W1 D0-7 C2 N3 W1 D0-7 C2~T2 N0 W2 D0-15 C2 N1 W2 D0-15 C2~T3 N0 W4 D0-31 C2~ 0300232Steim Integer Compression Format~000205006F1 P4 W4 D0-31 C2 R1 P8 W4 D0-31 C2~P0 W4 N15 S2,0,1~T0 X N0 W4 D0-31 C2~T1 N0 W1 D0-7 C2 N1 W1 D0-7 C2 N2 W1 D0-7 C2 N3 W1 D0-7 C2~T2 N0 W2 D0-15 C2 N1 W2 D0-15 C2~T3 N0 W4 D0-13 C2~ 0300232Steim Integer Compression Format~000305006F1 P4 W4 D0-31 C2 R1 P8 W4 D0-31 C2~P0 W4 N15 S2,0,1~T0 X N0 W4 D0-31 C2~T1 N0 W1 D0-7 C2 N1 W1 D0-7 C2 N2 W1 D0-7 C2 N3 W1 D0-7 C2~T2 N0 W2 D0-15 C2 N1 W2 D0-15 C2~T3 N0 W4 D0-13 C2~ 03100430740STime correction is unknown.~000 03100324010CChannel is down.~000 0330039001IRIS/IDA Network (UCSD/IGPP)~ 0330027002IRIS-1 Prototype~ 0330055003Caltech Southern, California Seismic Network~ 0330055004Caltech Southern, California Seismic Network~ 0330055005Caltech Southern, California Seismic Network~ 0330055006Caltech Southern, California Seismic Network~ 0330045007Streckeisen STS-1H/VBB Seismometer~ 0330045008Streckeisen STS-1V/VBB Seismometer~ 0330038009La Coste-Romberg Gravimeter~ 0330045010Streckeisen STS-1V/VBB Seismometer~ 0330045011Streckeisen STS-1H/VBB Seismometer~ 0330045012Streckeisen STS-1V/VBB Seismometer~ 0330045013Streckeisen STS-1H/VBB Seismometer~ 0330045014Streckeisen STS-1H/VBB Seismometer~ 0330045015Streckeisen STS-1V/VBB Seismometer~ 0330045016Kinemetrics FBA-23 Low-Gain Sensor~ 0330045017Kinemetrics FBA-23 Low-Gain Sensor~ 0330040018Streckeisen STS-2 Seismometer~ 0340044001M/S~Velocity in Meters Per Second~ 0340018002V~Volts~ 0340018003V~Volts~ 0340032004COUNTS~Digital Counts~ 0340032005COUNTS~Digital Counts~ 0340062006M/S**2~Acceleration in Meters Per Second Per Second~ 0340044007M/S~Velocity in Meters Per Second~ 0340020008A~Amperes~ 0340044009M/S~Velocity in Meters Per Second~ 0340018010~Volts~ 0340032011COUNTS~Digital Counts~ 0340062012M/S**2~Acceleration in Meters Per Second Per Second~ 0340062013M/S**2~Acceleration in Meters Per Second Per Second~ 0340020014A~Amperes~
File HAR000/SGAC##/B050[13] more HAR000/SGAC##/B050 0500093GSC +35.302800-116.808300+0990.00000000Goldston, California, USA~0053210101990,201~~N
File HAR000/SGSC##/B051[14] more HAR000/SGSC##/B051 05100351991,151~1991,156~0740000000 05100351991,139~1991,158~0740000000 05100351991,118~1991,166~0740000000 05100351991,146~1991,168~0740000000 05100351991,098~1991,301~0740000000 05100351991,156~1991,173~0740000000 05100351991,156~1991,174~0740000000 05100351991,158~1991,162~0740000000
File HAR000/SGSC##/CBHE/B052 [17] more HAR000/SGSC##/CBHE/B052 0520113 BHE0000011~007008+35.302800-116.808300+0990.0000.0090.0+00.0000212 2.000E+01 2.000E-030000CG~1990,201~~N 0530334A01009000 3.95010E+03 2.00000E-02002 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+000.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00004-1.23400E-02 1.23400E-02 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00-1.23400E-02-1.23400E-02 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00-3.91800E+01 4.91200E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00-3.91800E+01-4.91200E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0540408D020100000016 3.79981E+01 7.59961E-01-2.76078E+03-5.52156E+01 5.82071E+03 1.16414E+02-9.58113E+03-1.91623E+02 1.16618E+04 2.33236E+02-7.79824E+03 -1.55965E+02-1.49200E+04-2.98400E+02 4.29849E+05 8.59699E+03 1.01658E+05 2.03315E+03 -5.29201E+04-1.05840E+03 3.13166E+04 6.26333E+02-1.70699E+04-3.41398E+02 7.72151E+03 1.54430E+02-2.55273E+03-5.10546E+01-3.39736E+02-6.79472E+00 2.69027E+01 5.38054E-010000 058003500 1.01590E+09 2.00000E-0200
File HAR000/SGSC##/CBHZ/B059 [26] more HAR000/SGSC##/CBHZ/B059 05900471991,148,19:37~1991,158,18:30~4010000000 05900471991,148,19:37~1991,158,18:30~4010000000 05900411991,148,19:37~1991,158~4010000000 05900351991,151~1991,156~4010000000 05900471991,148,19:37~1991,158,18:30~4010000000 05900411991,156~1991,158,18:30~4010000000 05900411991,156~1991,158,18:30~4010000000 05900411991,158~1991,158,18:30~4010000000
pod v 4.x ¶
New directory structure for pod. Adding in support for location codes meant changing station/channel file/directory naming conventions. Here is the old version of the stn/chn directory:
HAR000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | ANMO.II BAR.G PFO.II CCM.IU COL.IU PFO.TS DGR.IU H.A ISA.TS | | ------------------- ------------------- B050 BHE BHN BHZ B050 BHE BHN BHZ
Here is the new version
HAR000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | ANMO.II BAR.G PFO.II CCM.IU COL.IU PFO.TS DGR.IU H.A ISA.TS | | ------------------ -------------------------- B050 BHE.01 BHN. B050 BHE. BHN.01 BHZ.02
Notice the new name for the channel directories. The location code is tagged onto the channel directory name. In the case of spaces for location codes, just the dot .
is used. No trailing blanks. There is also a new request file structure. All of the fields which were no longer used are taken out. New request file example:
AAK KN BHE 1993,278,00:00:00 1993,278,23:51:59 AAK.KN.BHE.93.278 HAR000 1993,278,02:01:28 1993,278,02:11:44 AAK KN BHN 1993,278,00:00:00 1993,279,00:00:00 AAK.KN.BHN.93.278 HAR000 1993,278,02:01:28 1993,278,02:11:44 AAK KN BHZ 1993,278,00:00:00 1993,279,00:00:00 AAK.KN.BHZ.93.278 HAR000 1993,278,02:01:28 1993,278,02:11:44
The fields are variable tabbed delimited.
Fields Names ¶
Stn Net CHN Loc File start time File end time file name stn/chn directory request start request end
New Functionality ¶
You no longer have to specify pod waveform directories at the station detail. You can specify a umbrella data files directory which pod will scan recursively for the files it needs. This change was need to as more and more stations were added, pod was running out of environment space. Previously you invoked pod with the environment specifiying station waveform directories:
setenv DATA_PATH /data_files/SAA:/data_files/SBB/data_file/ETC
setenv DATA_PATH /data_files
New environment variable:
Set this to anything and pod will ignore the request file and make a seed volume out of any and all files located in its HEADER_PATH
env variables.
You still need to specify a dummy request file in the pod command line for a place holder, ie.
setenv PODJUSTDOIT pod xxxxx 4096 32768 10,100 10,100
Conversion Programs , Data Center Utilities , Data Extraction , Processing Programs , SEED Readers , SEED Tools
Release date: Modified date: