Software Downloads – irisFetch.m v. 2.0.12


NOTICE: Deprecation of irisFetch.m

As of release of Matlab version 2023a, the irisFetch software is no longer functional. It is possible to continue using irisFetch to successfully download data, but only with Matlab versions up to 2022b. For more information on this issue, please refer to the following link: irisFetch Deprecation Announcement


The Matlab library IRISFETCH allows seamless access to data stored within the IRIS-DMC as well as other data centers that implement FDSN web services. Routines are provided to access event (earthquake) information, station metadata, and time series data. All retrieved data is converted into structs for use in MATLAB scripts.


irisFetch allows seamless access to data stored within the IRIS-DMC via FDSN services

  • irisFetch waveform retrieval Methods:
    • Traces – retrieve sac-equivalent waveforms with channel metadata
  • irisFetch FDSN station webservice Methods:
    • Channels – retrieve metadata as an array of channels
    • Stations – retrieve metadata as an array of stations
    • Networks – retrieve metadata as an array of networks
  • irisFetch FDSN event webservice Methods:
    • Events – retrieve events parameters (such as origins and magnitudes) from a catalog
  • irisFetch miscelleneous Methods:
    • Resp – retrive RESP formatted response data from the irisws-resp service
    • version- display the current version number
    • connectToJar – attempt to connect to the required IRIS-WS JAR file
    • runExamples – displays and runs some sample queries to the web service.


The irisFetch toolset requires version 2.0.x of the IRIS-WS java library. Instructions on downloading the library are available from both the “manual” section of this page and from within the irisFetch.m program.

Potential memory issue

If retrieving a significant volume of data (high sample rate or long time windows), it is possible that the IRIS-WS Java Library will run out of available memory and empty structures will be returned by the irisFetch subroutines despite data availability.

In this case, we recommend increasing the amount of Java heap memory available within the MATLAB environment. Please refer to the Manual for a more detailed description of how to increase the amount of heap memory in MATLAB.

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