Special Event: 2017 Storm Harvey

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This Special Event web page is intended to provide direct links to and images of data and materials available from NSF SAGE programs and preliminary research results from the seismology community. We welcome any additional contributions containing original content that might be of interest to the research community. Please send them to the email address listed below.

NSF SAGE does not necessarily endorse the views or scientific validity of the posted items.

Harvey went from a tropical depression to a major hurricane and intensified rapidly to a category 4 hurricane with winds up to 130 mph. It made a landfall on August 25, 2017 at about 22:00 local time (August 26, 2017 3:00 UTC) near Rockport, Texas.

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Quick Links

USGSHurricane Harvey
US Naval Research Laboratory, Marine MeteorologyTrack of Harvey
US Naval Research Laboratory, Marine MeteorologyTrack of Harvey as KML
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Hurricane CenterTROPICAL STORM HARVEY


 Path/wind speed of Harvey

[IRIS] Path/wind speed of Harvey (data from https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil) and
location of selected seismic stations

V4.735B waveform

[Jon Tytell and ANF] N4.735B waveforms between 2017-08-24 12:00:00 UTC
and 2017-08-28 12:00:00 UTC. Channels from top to bottom:
BDF (infrasound microphone, relative barometric pressure),
BDO (absolute barometric pressure),
LDM (absolute barometric pressure in hPa),
BHZ (Broadband Seismometer Vertical ground velocity)

interpreted spectrogram of Hurricane Harvey using N4 station 735B

[Robert Anthony, USGS] Acceleration spectrogram for the vertical
component of 735B (Kenedy, TX, USA) from 18 August to 29 August 2017 (UTC).
Power Spectral Density (PSD; rel. 1 (m/s2)2/Hz) estimates were attained using
the IRIS Noise Tool Kit (NTK) using 2-hour windows with 50% overlap and 1/16th
octave smoothing. Peak ground acceleration between 0.2-0.5 Hz exceeds the
New High Noise Model (Peterson, 1993) by ~ 10 dB. Significant earthquakes
(M > 6.0) are noted in white text on the spectrogram.

N4.735B..LHZ waveform

[Zhigang Peng] N4.735B..LHZ waveform 2017-08-25 00:00:00 UTC to
2017-08-30 00:00:00 UTC:
Plot link via IRIS
Data link via IRIS
Station information from IRIS


seismic sound

(click on the image to download the video)
[Zhigang Peng] seismic sound from station N4.735B

PowerPoint Presentation

Zhigang Peng PowerPoint Update

Zhigang Peng PowerPoint Update on Hurricane Harvey

Miscellaneous Contributions

Jim O'Donnell

Jim O'Donnell

Jim O'Donnell

Jim O'Donnell

Jim O'Donnell

Jim O'Donnell

Jim O'Donnell

Jim O'Donnell

[Jim O’Donnell, HHseismic] Geophysicist] We recorded possible pseudo Rayleigh
waves (pRg) from Harvey on the KawLake geophone array in Oklahoma which
was approximately 950 Kms from Harvey (see figure 1). The records are from
Sunfull PS2b geophones which are 3c, the 2 Hz phones had their response
extended from 2Hz (0.5s) to 0.2 Hz (5s) by an inverse digital filter, which is
based on the inverse filter design by Bob McClure (2007);
see Inverse Filter for Seismic Sensors for more information.

The records for one of the Kawlake array sites is shown here.
All 3 components show a large 5s wave, which is largest when Harvey is in
shallow water, (see fig. 2). The data was recorded on Sigma 4 recorders from
the Seismic Source Company in Ponca City, OK. The 3 components (Z, H1, H2)
time series for 10 minute records with 2ms sampling and their respective
amplitude spectra are displayed in figures 3, 4, and 5.


Harvey Storm

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