PQLX Workshop

Snowbird, Utah, United States of America

June 8, 2010 3:30 p.m. —
June 9, 2010 midnight

Background Information


The IRIS DMS will host a one day PQLX workshop.

PQLX (PASSCAL Quick Look eXtended) is open-source software used to evaluate seismic station performance and data quality. Learn more about PQLX


This hands-on workshop will be a thorough presentation of the PQLX software aimed at PI’s and people involved with data quality and analysis. Feedback from the participants will be encouraged.

List of topics

Workshop Characteristics

Workshop will be hands-on, as such, users will be expected to have:

  1. At a minimum, the following should be installed on the user’s machine:
    1. PQL II – downloadable from: http://www.passcal.nmt.edu/announcements/pqlII.htm
    2. MySQL – downloadable from mysql.org
    3. PQLX – if not successfully installed, then at least downloaded http://geohazards.cr.usgs.gov/staffweb/mcnamara/Software/PQLX.html
  2. A reasonable dataset to work with:
    1. Data should span at least a week, ideally, a month.
    2. Gaps between trace files should be minimized.
    3. Data should include BH- and LH-style channels
    4. Data may also include other non-PSD channels, if desired (all channel data is viewable in the time domain within PQLX).
    5. Response Files are required for all PSD channels; format as produced by rdseed program.

Workshop Outline

  1. Part I – Briefly cover installation and compilation; Resolve any problems encountered
  2. Part II – Data Setup, Database Setup
  3. Part III – Server execution – Required input, description of various outputs, Cron job Setup
  4. Part IV – Client execution and overview – PQL, PDF, and STN viewers
  5. Part V – Data Quality Control Possibilities
  6. Part VI – Scientific Possibilities:
    1. McNamara – Data extraction from large datasets and their uses
    2. Alvarez – PDF Movies – Creation, Interpretation, and other possibilities
    3. Anderson – Data Extraction, its manipulation, use within MatLab, and other types of informative plots that can be made with this data


In order to keep the workshop efficient, we are limiting the short course to 24 participants.

Participants MUST provide their own laptop with PQXL and MySQL preloaded.

Financial support

  • There will be no registration fee.
  • The IRIS Data Management System will pay for lodging the night before the workshop June 7, 2010.
  • Breakfast and lunch will be provided the day of the workshop.
  • Support will only be provided for applicants from IRIS Full Member Institutions.

Dates and Venue

  • Breakfast will be available at 8 AM
  • The workshop will be held from 8:30 AM until 5 PM on June 8, 2010 in Snowbird, UT, just prior to the IRIS Workshop.


  • Short course Registration Closes on March 31, 2010.
  • Notify applicants of acceptance by April 16, 2010.

Hotel Reservations

Hotel Reservations are the individual responsibility of all workshop participants. All reservations should be made individually. Please refer to the 2010 IRIS Annual Workshop web page for details about registering for the workshop and making Hotel Reservations.


Registration closed on March 31st, 2010.

More Information

For more information, please contact Richard Boaz

Location Details

The one day workshop will be held on June 8, 2010 before the IRIS Workshop in Snowbird, UT.

Important Dates and Venue

June 8, 2010 — June 9, 2010

Short course will be held in Snowbird, Utah, United States of America.


Registration will open on January 1, 2010 and close on March 31, 2010.

NSF SAGE will notify applicants if their request to attend the short course is accepted by April 16, 2010

Maximum number of participants for this event is 24.

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