Frequently Answered Question


Where can I find information on recent earthquakes?


Recent Earthquakes are listed on the IRIS homepage.
You can also view a RSS/Atom feed list of M4.5+ earthquakes over the last 7 days here.

Event web service

The most direct way to find earthquake information is via the Event web service. This is a queryable API usually accessed programmatically, but a simple web interface is also available.

Seismic Monitor – Maps of recent earthquakes

Seismic Monitor allows you to monitor global earthquakes in near real-time, visit seismic stations around the world, and search the web for earthquake or region-related information. View Seismic Monitor.

Browse Earthquakes on a Map

The IRIS Earthquake Browser is a mapping tool that will let you zoom in on a map of the world and display the most important earthquakes based on the settings you choose. Try the IEB web tool here.

Special Events

IRIS features special event pages to provide useful resources for the science community and the general public. These “Special Event” pages highlight events that had a major effect on a population or have some other unique scientific significance. Go to Special Events.

Teachable Moments

The Education and Public Outreach (EPO) program is developing PowerPoint slide presentations based on recent earthquakes. Teachers can download the PowerPoint file to use in classroom presentations. Some of the slides include animations and movies to illustrate the event. Go to Teachable Moments.

Data Products

The IRIS DMC Products group regularly produces derivative products for the visualization of earthquake activity. IRIS DMC provides the SPUD interface to discover and view these data products. There is also a separate IRIS Products web page, found here.

Updated: 05/19/2017
20:09:24 v.9bc884e1