PDCC 3.0 Workshop

Seattle, United States of America

2003-12-02 — 2003-12-06

Background Information


The IRIS DMC is hosting a workshop for users interested in Portable Data Collection Centers (PDCC). This workshop is scheduled immediately before the Fall AGU in San Francisco. The goal is to introduce a new release of the PDCC software and to offer hands-on instruction in its use. IRIS DMC staff will present PDCC and also other topics such as the SEED format, RESP files, and various software tools. Extra time will be allowed for one-on-one guidance in the use of this software.


Time Activity
Tuesday (Dec 2)
08:00 Introductions
08:15 Brief overview of PDCC
08:30 Question and Answer
08:45 Verify Java installations on all machines
09:00 Installation of PDCC
10:00 Break
10:15 Demonstrate operations with dataless SEED file
11:30 Lunch Break (on your own)
13:00 Overview of SEED format (Rick Benson)
15:00 Break
15:15 Exercise updating a dataless SEED file
16:00 Open session
17:00 End of session
Wednesday (Dec 3)
08:00 Resume workshop
08:15 Install MySQL database
10:00 Break
10:15 Demonstrate database operations
11:30 Lunch Break (on your own)
13:00 Introduction to JPlotResp and RESP format (Rick Benson)
15:00 Break
15:15 Exercise use of response prototypes
16:00 Open session
17:00 End of session
Thursday (Dec 4)
08:00 Resume workshop
08:15 Overview of JavaSeed classes
10:00 Break
10:15 Demonstration of JavaSeed input and output
11:30 Lunch Break (on your own)
13:00 Introduction to verseed and rdseed (Chris Laughbon)
15:00 Break
15:15 To be determined
17:00 End of session
Friday (Dec 5)
08:00 Resume workshop
08:15 Using the MySQL database for PDCC
10:00 Break
10:15 Open Session
11:30 Lunch Break (on your own)
13:00 Class input on desired features
15:00 Break
15:15 Introduction to VASE and DHI (Chris Laughbon)
17:00 End of Session
Saturday (Dec 6)
08:00 Resume workshop
08:15 Open Session
12:00 End of Workshop

Location Details

Seattle, Washington

Technical Requirements

The current requirements are:

  • Latest version of PDCC
  • Java JVM v1.4.0 or greater (Install Anywhere™ can provide the JVM for many platforms)
  • MySQL database v3.23.52 or greater (optional)


Currently no sponsors listed .

Important Dates and Venue

2003-12-02 — 2003-12-06

Workshop will be held in Seattle, United States of America.

Workshop Contacts

NSF SAGE Contact(s)

Local Contact(s)

  • No local contact defined.
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