Web Services II: Developing Web Services

Monterey, California, United States of America

2005-09-21 — 2005-09-23

Background Information

The appearance of the World Wide Web over a decade ago marked a significant advancement in the way we communicate ideas and research results. Our ability to create HTML-based web pages and to host our own web sites allows us to provide materials of our own choosing to students, colleagues and broader audiences around the globe. While web pages are static, real-time calculations and database access are available with the incorporation of script-based access methods (such as CGI or PHP) or Java Applets. However, a different class of functionality is now available using information technology methods that only recently have become used in the geosciences. These methods offer on-demand computing using facilities located remotely but accessed in real-time across the Internet. More widely deployed in the commercial world, these methods offer our earth sciences communities access to additional computing resources, evolving data archives maintained elsewhere, and delivery of data products selectively produced in real-time. These methods also allow run-time access to common codes (for the sake of commonality) or to codes that undergo frequent upkeep. Web Services can be used to create a true community library of remote computing modules ranging from the very simple (e.g., latitude-longitude to UTM conversion) to the heavy duty (modeling codes).

The purpose of this workshop is to learn how to create a web service with the SOAP protocol. Topics covered will include basic XML and namespaces, XML data binding, writing a client to an existing web service, building a WSDL and developing and deploying a web service. The necessary skills to participate in the workshop include the ability to install and configure applications on your preferred operating system and at minimum a rudimentary knowledge of Java or some other object-oriented language.

IRIS is offering this follow-up workshop to the workshop in June 2005 Web Services: A Mechanism for Across-the-Internet On-Demand Computing and Communication. It is aimed at students and programmers who wish to learn how to work with web services, either building clients, or providing web service access to the community. IRIS offers supplemental financial support to attend this workshop.

Participants will need to bring their own laptop computer.

For more information, contact the conveners:

  • David Okaya (Univ. Southern California) okaya@usc.edu
  • Joanna Muench (IRIS) joanna@iris.washington.edu
  • Linus Kamb (IRIS) linus@iris.washington.edu
  • Mari Francissen (IRIS, logistics) mari@iris.washington.edu

For details about the workshop, please read the Web Services Workshop Agenda (PDF).

Please contact Mari for questions regarding workshop registration.

Subscribe to the Web Services Listserv

This listserv provides a forum for people in the earth sciences community to discuss issues related to the implementation and use of web services.


Dennis Sosnoski

Session 1 – Wednesday AM, September 21

  • Introduction to XML, XML namespaces and XML Schema.

Session 2 – Wednesday PM, September 21

  • Introduction to SOAP and WSDL
  • Example SOAP client from WSDL.

Session 3 – Thursday AM, September 22

  • Current best practices in Web services.
  • Development and deployment of a web service in Apache Axis
  • (Coding) Development of a simple web service.

Session 4 – Thursday PM, September 22

  • Working with Attachments.
  • (Coding) Add method with attachments to web service.

Session 5 – Friday AM, September 23

  • Advanced topics, including security and session tracking.
  • Axis-2 demo.

Marlon Pierce, University of Indiana

Location Details

Asilomar Conference Center

Monterey, California

Technical Requirements

Java J2SE 1.4.* SDK

Click on “Download J2SE SDK
NOTE: Make sure you have the “SDK” (Software Development Kit) and not the JRE (Java
Runtime Environment) as the latter doesn’t have necessary the development tools.
ALSO: Axis does not work with Java 1.5, so you must have 1.4.* available.

Tomcat 5.0.28

Select the appropriate 5.0.28 binary package for your platform.

Axis 1.2.1

Select a mirror, and choose the file format appropriate for your platform.

Ant 1.6.5

Select the Current Release of Ant in the appropriate file format.

You will also need a couple of extra jars (Java libraries):

Java Activation Framework: JAF 1.0.2

Click on “download” towards the bottom of the page.
It’s not necessary to register to download.
After accepting the license terms, click on the down arrow.

JavaMail 1.3.3

h3 Some development environments (IDE)

You may wish install and become familiar with one of these editors, if you are not so already. In class, the examples will be presented in Eclipse and jEdit.

Participants will need to bring their own laptop computer.

Additional Resources

Ant docs


Currently no sponsors listed .

Important Dates and Venue

2005-09-21 — 2005-09-23

Workshop will be held in Monterey, California, United States of America.

Workshop Contacts

NSF SAGE Contact(s)

Local Contact(s)

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